The Colonoscopy

After two years of procrastinating and dreading the procedure, I finally got sick of my doctor nagging me about it and had it done yesterday. An you know what? It just wasn’t that bad at all.

The actual procedure took about ten minutes. I was awake, under mild sedation, and I barely felt anything. They removed four 1-2mm polyps that they didn’t seem particularly concerned about. And that was it, I was on the way home a half hour later.

As for the preparation, that wasn’t that bad either. Yeah, you have to drink a gallon of salty liquid, over two sittings, that causes diarrhea, so you need to stay near the bathroom. The liquid didn’t taste particularly bad and I didn’t experience any nausea, cramping, or bloating. If you follow the diet instructions they give you, you shouldn’t have any problems. Frankly, the worst part of the preparation was not being able to eat anything for over a day.

The bottom line is that a colonoscopy is not scary, painful, or something to be overly anxious about and having it done is infinitely better than the possibility of unnecessarily dying of colon cancer.

/so, if you’re over 50 and still putting it off, you’re out of excuses, get it done, you’ll sleep better at night knowing