Bogus Obama Math Busted

It’s bad enough that Obama had the gall to release a farcically irresponsible 2012 budget that kicks the fiscal sanity can down the road and shoves the United States well down the path to third world status, but then he and his clown posse minions have the further, cynical audacity to lie about it to the American public.

CBO: W. House Lowballs Debt

The president’s budget plan would double the debt over 10 years to $20.8 tril, the CBO estimated, $2.3 tril more than the White House had projected. Interest on the debt would top 18% of federal revenue in 2018, a level that Moody’s has said could trigger a downgrade of America’s AAA rating.

Read the Congressional Budget Office report:

Preliminary Analysis of the President’s Budget for 2012

See also:

Report says Obama budget underestimates deficit
CBO Claims Obama Budget Underestimates Future Deficits by $2 Trillion
CBO: Obama budget underestimates deficits by $2.3 trillion over upcoming decade
CBO: Obama understates deficits by $2.3 trillion
Obama Budget Underestimates Deficits by $2 Trillion
CBO: Obama FY12 Budget Would Result In $9.5T In Deficits Over Next Decade
CBO: Obama policies would require deficits of $9.5 trillion through 2021
CBO: Obama budget worse than projected on 10-year deficit
Congressional Budget Office projects higher Obama deficits
CBO Analysis: Obama’s 2012 Budget Increases Deficit
US budget to worsen deficits: CBO
UPDATE 2-Obama budget would worsen deficits – CBO report
Oooops! CBO says Obama’s budget understates deficits
To Bull[expletive deleted] . . . And Beyond!

Paul Ryan and the Republicans will soon unveil their 2012 budget which will address the looming entitlements disaster, make the hard choices, and put America back on the road to fiscal solvency. And, of course, Obama and the Democrats, in control of the Presidency and the Senate, will fight tooth and nail to sabotage and undermine any attempt to walk America back from the edge of the financial abyss which they seem hell bent on flinging us into.

/I can’t emphasize just how important the 2012 elections are, without a new President and Republican control of the Senate, the United States economy will continue to recklessly stagger towards economic collapse under Obama’s crushing, unsustainable debt load
