Miss Mubarak Yet?

How’s that Arab Spring working out?

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood holds anti-Semetic rally, draws thousands at Cairo’s top mosque vowing to ‘one day kill all the Jews’

A Muslim revival at Cairo’s most prominent mosque Friday that drew 5,000 worshippers reportedly turned into a hate-fueled rally, complete with repeated vows to “one day kill all the Jews.”

Led by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest and best-organized political party, the crowd that gathered at the al-Azhar Mosque chanted “Tel Aviv! Tel Aviv! Judgment Day has come!” according to Israeli website Ynetnews.com.

Palestinian guest speakers and spokesmen for the Muslim Brotherhood roused the crowd with speeches aiming to incite Jihad directed at Israel, specifically promoting a “battle against Jerusalem’s Judaization.”

See also:
Cairo rally: One day we’ll kill all Jews
Muslim Brotherhood activists vow to ‘one day kill all Jews’
Islamists Chant “One Day We Will Kill All Jews” at Cairo Rally
‘One day, we’ll kill all the Jews’
Cairo rally: One day we’ll kill all Jews
Ruthless men hide behind veil of religion
ANALYSIS-Islamists strong ahead of Egypt poll, unrest seen an asset
New Clashes as Egypt Prepares for Elections
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Versus Army: Disastrous Elections or Bloody Civil War?
Obama Administration supporting objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Call Mubarak a dictator, a thug, call him whatever you want, at least he was able to keep a lid on the Muslim Brotherhood and, for the most part, order in the streets. What Egypt has now is rioting in the streets and the Muslim Brotherhood openly advocating genocide against the Jews.

/oh and Parliamentary elections in Egypt are supposed to start Monday, what if the Muslim Brotherhood does well?

It’s The Jihad, Stupid

Oh look, it’s yet another Muslim spreading Islam’s message of peace and tolerance.

NYC Arrests Terror Suspect Accused of Plotting to Bomb Police Cars

An al-Qaida sympathizer who plotted to bomb NYPD patrol cars and postal facilities and envisioned targeting U.S. soldiers returning home from overseas has been arrested, officials said.

Mayor Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced the arrest of Jose Pimentel, 27, Sunday evening at City Hall.

Bloomberg said Pimentel, of Washington Heights, was “inspired by al-Qaida propaganda” but not part of any larger group and was not believed to be working with others. He was also “motivated by his own resentment of the presence of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Bloomberg said.

. . .

Pimentel, also known as Muhammad Yusuf, was denied bail and remained in custody.

See also:
Latino al-Qaida Sympathizer Accused of NYC Bomb Plot
Bloomberg: NYPD thwarts al Qaeda-inspired terror plot
The Charges Against Jose Pimentel, and Details from the Investigation
N.Y. Man Charged in Terror Plot After FBI Said to Decline Case
NYC terror suspect was building test bomb
Mayor Bloomberg On Foiled NYC Terror Plot: “Sick People” Want To Take Others’ Freedoms
Jose Pimentel’s Arrest a Timely Reminder That Terror Threat Is Still Very Real
Awlaki killing was trigger for NYC plot suspect
Terror plot shows al-Awlaki’s influence lives on after death
New York City bomb plot suspect a ‘total lone wolf’
Mother of Bomb Plot Suspect Apologizes to NYers
‘I apologise to the city of New York’: Catholic mother says sorry for Muslim convert son ‘who was one hour from finishing DIY bomb’
NYC Bomb Plot
Jose Pimentel: Terror Suspect Arrested

It’s amazing how the authorities keep foiling these jihadi plots and that there hasn’t been a successful mass casualty terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of disgruntled Muslims willing to give it a try.

/are we good or just lucky?

Western Education Is Sacrilege

Another, day, another country, more Dar al-Harb, the Religion of Murder and Mayhem rampages on.

At least 69 dead in north Nigeria sect attacks

Residents fearfully left their homes Saturday to bury their dead in northeast Nigeria following a series of coordinated attacks that killed at least 69 people and left a new police headquarters in ruins, government offices burned and symbols of state power destroyed.

A radical Muslim sect known locally as Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the attacks in Borno and Yobe states, with the worst damage done in and around the city of Damaturu. The group also promised to continue its bloody sectarian fight against Nigeria’s weak central government, with residents nervously moving through empty streets, waiting for the next attack.

. . .

Boko Haram wants to implement strict Shariah law across Nigeria, an oil-rich nation of more than 160 million which has a predominantly Christian south and a Muslim north. Its name means “Western education is sacrilege” in the local Hausa language, but instead of schooling, it rejects Western ideals like Nigeria’s U.S.-styled democracy that followers believe have destroyed the country with corrupt politicians.

See also:
Nigerian insurgents unleash deadly attacks
Bloody weekend; 66 killed as Boko Haram wreaks havoc
11 policemen, 79 others killed in Yobe bombing
Attacks in Nigeria Leave at Least 65 Dead
At least 65 killed in attacks on Nigerian city: aid agency
More than 100 dead in Nigeria attacks: Red Cross
Nigeria group threatens more deadly attacks
Nigeria: Boko Haram’s deadly attacks show Islamists’ growing reach
US: Bomb attacks possible in Nigeria capital
Nigerian forces hunt killers, locals demand security
Pope urges ‘end to all violence’ in Nigeria
FACTBOX-What is Nigeria’s Boko Haram?
Boko Haram

Much like the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Boko Haram kill and maim, in the name of Islam, to prevent the education of Muslim children.

/is there any other world religion where ignorance is a virtue?

There Is No Humor In Islam

The Religion of Murder and Mayhem strikes again, proving once again that Islam is incompatible with Western civilization.

Firebomb hits French satire magazine

The offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly French magazine, have been burnt down in a firebomb attack on the same day that it published a special edition entitled “Charia [Sharia] Hebdo” with the Prophet Muhammad depicted as editor-in-chief.

The paper’s website was also brought down by hackers in what staff believe was retaliation for the publication, which “celebrated” the victory of an Islamist political party in the recent Tunisian elections and the promise from Libya’s interim leader that Sharia law would be the principal source of legislation in the country. The magazine’s front page carried a large picture of the prophet, which is forbidden in Islam, with the caption: “100 lashes if you are not dying of laughter”.

See also:
French satirical paper firebombed after publishing Mohammed cartoon
French Satirical Magazine Office Fire Bombed Ahead of ‘Muhammad Edition’
Newspaper firebombed after Arab Spring satire
French magazine bombed for caricature of Islamic prophet Muhammad
Firebomb Torches French Weekly
Satirical weekly offices attacked
French Newspaper Firebombed After Satire Involving Prophet Muhammad
Fire hits French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo after it publishes cartoons of the prophet Muhammad
Muhammad cartoon sparks attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo – video
Jidhadists celebrate attack on French satirical paper
Satirical website remains offline after death threats
French satire is no match for militant Islam
Chris Selley: First, they came for the bad satirists…
Satire And The Prophet: Supporting French Magazine’s Right To Spoof Mohammed
French paper reprints Mohammad cartoon after fire-bomb

Free speech is a basic tenet of a free society and satire is a subset of free speech, including the right to satirize religion. Of course, there is no freedom of speech in Islam, under Sharia law, which would be fine if they kept to themselves and Muslims, driven by the basic mandates of their religion, weren’t continuously attempting to conquer and impose their beliefs and values on, often by violent means, the infidels of Western civilization.

/so, until Muslims, as a society, collectively decide to leave the 7th century, reform their religion, and catch up with the 21st century, Islam and Western civilization will never mix, because us infidels refuse to time travel backward in terms of freedom and world history

NATO Makes Libya Safe For . . . Al Qaeda

Hey, way to go Obama, Mission Accomplished!

Al-Qaeda flag flies high on top of Benghazi courthouse

The black flag of al-Qaeda has been put on top of a courthouse in the Libyan city of Benghazi, further raising concerns that the country could turn into a Muslim extremist entity.

“There is no God but Allah” was written in Arabic on the flag raised above the streets of Benghazi, considered the heart of the Libyan revolutionaries who toppled Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.

See also:
Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya’s revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda
Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse
Islamists fly Al Qaeda flag in Libya
Libya: Flying Al Qaeda Flag, Rumored To Be Imposing Shariah Law
Al-Qaida plants its flag — literally — in Libya
Al Qaeda flag atop Benghazi courthouse fuels Libyan Islamisation fears
Libya: Is al-Qaeda the Main Threat in the Aftermath of the Revolution?
Anti-Qaddafi Forces Flew al-Qaeda Flag During Siege of Sirte
What have NATO and Obama wrought in Libya?
Libya’s turmoil, al-Qaida presence ‘no surprise,’ says White House [VIDEO]

How did we ever get from hunting down al Qaeda all over the world to providing them with air support and handing them control of countries?

/I suspect the will not turn out well for the West

Islam Takes Tunisia

This is the first election held in one of the countries that have undergone “Arab Spring” uprisings. And predictably, probably foreshadowing the outcome in upcoming elections in other “Arab Spring” countries, secularism took a beating and a backseat to the Islamists.

Secular party concedes defeat in landmark Tunisian election

Tunisia’s leading secularist party conceded defeat on Monday after unofficial tallies from the country’s first free election showed a victory for an Islamist party.

The election came 10 months from from the moment street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in a protest that started the Arab Spring uprisings.

More than 90 percent of the 4.1 million registered voters cast ballots, officials said.

See also:
Tunisian Islamist party claims election victory, set to dominate writing of new constitution
Tunisian Islamists to gain huge victory in first elections of the Arab Spring
Tunisia’s Islamists claim election victory
Tunisia’s Islamist party claims election victory
Islamists set for power after strong vote for Muslim parties in Tunisia’s first democratic elections since revolution
Early sign in Tunisia of strong Islamist vote
Tunisia elections: An-Nahda party on course to win
Moderate Islamists lead in early counting of Tunisian votes
Islamists claim win in Tunisia’s Arab Spring vote
Islamist Party Takes Half Of Overseas Seats In Tunisia
Tunisian liberal party dismayed at poor elections show
As Tunisia Counts its Votes, Can the West Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Islamists?

Could these Tunisian elections be the first stepping stone toward a wider, regional Islamic Caliphate?

/stay tuned, Egypt has elections coming up and if the Islamists win there . . .

NATO Makes Libya Safe . . . For Sharia Law

Is this what NATO fought for?

Libya’s new leaders say they will make Islamic Sharia law main source of legislation

Libya’s new leaders said they intend to make Islamic Sharia law the main source of legislation and will nullify any laws that contradict its tenets, giving the country a more Islamist character in the post-Moammar Gadhafi era.

Islamic law, or Sharia, is enshrined as the basis of the constitution in a number of Middle Eastern countries with Muslim majorities. Most Gulf nations’ constitutions state that Sharia is a main source of legislation, while Egypt says it is “the source.”

See also:
Libya’s new leader declares an Islamic state
Libya Sharia Law: Islamic Law Will be ‘Basic Source’ of Legislation
Sharia: Obama-encouraged Libyan transitional council approves polygamy, bans banking interest
Libya to use Islamic law as source of legislation
Interim Leader Says Sharia Law Will Guide Libya
Libya’s NTC head Jalil pledges to uphold Islamic law
Sharia law surprise for secular-minded Libyans
Libya to adopt Sharia law, ends public showing of Gaddafi’s body
Libya National Transitional Council Chairman Says Sharia Law Will be Blueprint for Libyan State
Sharia law for Libya?
Is a Sharia-Law-Based Libya a Betrayal of the Arab Spring?
Sharia law declaration raises fears among women in new Libya
Libyan women being raped as spoils of Shariah law: group

Well gee, Obama and NATO were so intent on getting rid of Gadhafi and now that he’s gone, look what happens, Libya adopts Sharia law before Gadhafi is even buried. It’s not like the West doesn’t already have enough worldwide problems with adherents to Sharia law and now NATO’s enthusiastically facilitated turning another country over to Islamic radicals.

/in every single one of these “Arab Spring” uprising countries, Obama has backed the side inhabited by Islamic radicals, what’s he trying to do, help reestablish an Islamic Caliphate?

Operation Linda Nchi

Kenya is hardly the first country to invade Somalia and attempt to clean out the festering cesspool of Islamic criminals and terrorists and it probably won’t be the last. So far, every country that’s attempted to tame Somalia has come up empty. Based on what’s currently known of Operation Linda Nchi, I’m not particularly optimistic that Kenya will be any more successful than any other country has been in the past.

Kenyan Troops Advance in Somalia, Pursuing Al-Shabab

Kenyan forces have entered a second part of southern Somalia as part of operations against militant group al-Shabab.

Officials and witnesses confirmed to VOA Somali Service Tuesday that Kenyan troops, backed by helicopters, moved through the border town of El-Waq on Monday and are now in Somalia’s Gedo region.

Kenyan troops have also been seen near the al-Shabab-controlled town of Afmadow in the Jubba region. Residents are reported to be fleeing the town in fear of a battle.

. . .

The exact size of the Kenyan force in Somalia is not clear. Residents have reported seeing columns of 30 to 40 armored vehicles.

Al-Shabab is calling on all Somalis to defend against what it calls “the enemy.”

The last country to invade Somalia was Ethiopia, which deployed troops in 2006 to oust Islamist militants who had briefly taken over the capital. Al-Shabab emerged as the main group fighting the Ethiopians, who withdrew at the beginning of 2009.

See also:
Kenyan military crosses into Somali
Kenya Cabinet meeting backs military operation in Somalia
Kenya, Somalia Seal Pact to Hit Shabaab
Kenya cabinet backs military offensive into Somalia
Kenya troops ‘advance into Somalia near Afmadow’
Kenyan troops close in on Somali’s second key town
Kenyan forces hunt militants inside Somalia
Kenyan forces kill 75 Somali militants
Kenyan incursion into Somalia provokes threat from Islamic militants
Al-Shabaab threaten to take ‘flames of war’ into Kenya
Kenya’s security on alert following al-Shabaab threat
Zero tolerance to Al Shabab threat
Was Kenya right to enter Somalia?
Price that Kenya must pay to keep al-Shabaab at bay

All I can say is go Kenya, good luck and happy hunting! Somalia hasn’t been subdued yet, not even by the United States, but there’s always a first time.

/oh, and while you’re in the neighborhood, could you do the world a favor and wipe out the Somali pirate safe harbors?

Open Season On Christians In Egypt

With Mubarak no longer in power to keep the social lid on, Egypt’s Muslim majority is doing what it does best, practicing their religion of peace and tolerance by attacking and killing Christians and burning down their churches.

Christians: Egypt allows attacks

Egypt’s Coptic church blasted authorities Monday for allowing repeated attacks on Christians with impunity as the death toll from a night of rioting rose to 26, most of them Christians staging a peaceful protest in Cairo over an attack on a church.

The spiritual leader of the Coptic Christian minority, Pope Shenouda III, declared three days of mourning, praying and fasting for the victims, starting today. He also presided over funerals for some of the Christians who were killed. Sunday’s sectarian violence was the worst in Egypt since the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in February.

The clashes Sunday night raged over a large section of downtown Cairo and drew in Christians, Muslims and security forces. The violence began when about 1,000 Christian protesters tried to stage a peaceful sit-in outside the government-run television building along the Nile in downtown Cairo. The protesters said they were attacked with sticks, and the violence then spiraled out of control after a speeding military vehicle jumped onto a sidewalk and hit some of the Christians.

There was no breakdown available of how many Christians and Muslims were among the victims, but the 26 are believed to be mostly Christian. Officials said at least three soldiers were among the dead. Nearly 500 people were injured. Egypt’s official news agency said dozens have been arrested.

See also:
Anger boils over church attack in Egypt, at least 24 killed
Row over Coptic village church puts Egypt on edge
Christian, Muslim clashes rock Cairo
After Deadly Clashes, Egypt’s Christians On Edge
Egypt Violence Piles Pressure on Army to Hand Over Power Faster
Analysis: Situation only getting worse for Egypt’s Christians
The Copts Will Fight But they won’t win
Egypt’s Anti-Christian Violence: How Things Got So Bad
Vatican treads carefully on Egyptian violence
Siddiqui: Chill breeze in Arab Spring
Egypt riots reveal brutal reality behind ‘Arab Spring’

Remember, Obama and Hillary Clinton publicly called for Mubarak’s ouster and hailed the Egyptian “revolution” as an exercise in free democracy. Well, how’s that working out?

/also notice that, now that Christians are being killed in the streets and their churches burned down, Obama and Clinton are silent and nowhere to be found regarding the ongoing persecution by Muslims

A Terrorist Trifecta

Mr. Predator and Mr. Hellfire team up to force the two vehicle al Qaeda drive to go three and out.

Most Successful Drone Strike Ever: Were Three Al Qaeda Leaders Killed?

The CIA drone strike that killed Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki and chief propagandist Samir Khan may also have taken out the terror organization’s top bombmaker.

Reports say that Ibrahim al-Asiri, who is believed to have constructed both the “underwear” bomb used in the attempted bombing of Northwest flight 253 and the bombs in last year’s parcel bomb plot, may have been with Awlaki and Khan when missiles from a U.S. drone struck their vehicle in Yemen Friday.

See also:
U.S. –born ‘Terrorist No. 1’ Anwar al Awlaki killed in Yemen in major blow to Al Qaeda
Anwar al-Awlaki, al-Qaida cleric and top US target, killed in Yemen
Al-Qaeda terror chief Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen
Al Qaeda’s Anwar al-Awlaki Killed in CIA Drone Strike
American Jihadi Samir Khan Killed With Awlaki
A ‘proud traitor’: Samir Khan reported dead alongside Aulaqi
25-year-old American is killed with mentor Anwar al-Aulaqi in drone strike
Samir Khan named as second US citizen to die in drone strike
Top al Qaeda bombmaker dead in drone strike
Al-Awlaki drone ‘killed bomb-maker’
AQAP bomb maker Asiri thought killed in Yemen Predator strike
U.S. Drone Strike on al-Awlaki Likely Kills al-Qaeda Bomb-maker in Yemen
Anwar al-Awlaki
Samir Khan
Ibrahim al-Asiri

Unfortunately, al-Awlaki and Khan nave already published and recorded more than enough internet material to posthumously radicalize Muslims from here to eternity. Killing them was a good thing, but the damage is already done and their deaths won’t make the recruitment problem go away.

/on the other hand, al-Asiri, the bombmaker, is going to be hard for al Qaeda to replace, he was good, especially at designing nonmetallic explosive devices