Look What The FBI Dragged In

Why, it’s yet another homegrown Muslim jihadi plotting to kill his fellow Americans and any other infidels that might cross his Islamic path.

Man, 26, charged in plot to bomb Pentagon using model airplane

A 26-year-old Massachusetts man with a physics degree was arrested and charged Wednesday with plotting an attack on the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol with a remote-controlled model aircraft, authorities said.

Rezwan Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen from Ashland, Massachusetts, planned to use model aircraft filled with C-4 plastic explosives, authorities said.

As a result of an undercover FBI investigation, Ferdaus, who has a physics degree from Northeastern University in Boston, was charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda for attacks on U.S. soldiers overseas, authorities said.

Read the criminal complaint

See also:
Federal agents charge Ashland man with targeting Pentagon, Capitol with aerial explosives
Timeline of alleged terror plot
Officials search home of Ashland terror plot suspect
Ashland neighbors shocked at arrest
Man accused of plotting drone attacks on Pentagon, Capitol
Feds: Mass. man planned to blow up Pentagon
Mass. musician accused of D.C. terrorist plot
Man arrested in ‘step-by-step’ plot to blow up Capitol, Pentagon
Ashland man arrested and charged in terrorist plot against the Pentagon and US Capitol
Witness describes scene at Framingham, Mass. storage facility
US Man Charged With Pentagon, Capitol Attack Plan
Mass. man accused of plotting attack on Pentagon, Capitol
FBI: Mass. Man Arrested For Plot Against Pentagon, Capitol

And remember, there is no Muslim extremist problem here in the United States. After all, Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance.

/it’s just a super freaky coincidence that almost every last terrorist the FBI arrests turns out to be a Muslim jihadi