Modafean Aseman Velayat 3

Iran is at it again, attempting to deter an attack on its nuclear facilities by putting its ancient and pathetic air defenses on display.

Iran begins air defense drills: report

The Iranian Army launched its biggest nationwide air defense drill to prepare against any possible attacks “on public or nuclear sites,” the local satellite Press TV reported on Tuesday.

Arial defense units from the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are taking part in the three-stage five-day defense maneuvers dubbed “Modafean Aseman Velayat 3,” (the Guardians of Islamic Skies), the report said.

The nationwide air maneuvers, which kicked off early Tuesday, were held near Iran’s “nuclear and vital landmarks” and include tests of long-range anti-air missiles, according to the report.

The drills aim to enhance response capabilities in countering threats against the county’s populated, vital, strategic and nuclear landmarks.

The Commander of Iran’s Khatamolanbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani said Sunday the drills are part of an annual exercise that will be held with the participation of all air defense units of the country’s armed forces. The specific purpose is to enhance the effectiveness of the country’s anti- cruise electronic detection and weapons systems, said Miqani.

Earlier in the day, Miqani announced Iran would produce an air defense radar system with a range of 3,000 km in radius. The country will also unveil a new generation of domestically developed long-range S-200 air defense missile system by next February.

See also:
Iran opens air defense war games
Iran conducts military exercises near its nuclear sites
Iran Starts Nationwide Air Defense Drills
Iran launches ‘biggest’ aerial drills
Iran to conduct five-day air war games
Iran’s Strengthened Air Defense Capable of Repelling All Enemy Attacks
Tehran to test air-defense systems
Iran launches air defence exercises
Iran starts “biggest” air defense war games
Iran kicks off 5-day air defence war games
Iran Holds ‘Biggest’ Air Defense Drill Yet Over Nuke Sites
Iran Starts Major Defense Drill To Protect Nuclear Sites
Iran launches biggest air defence drill

I’m not sure why Iran even bothers because the Obama administration has no intention whatsoever of attacking Iran’s nuclear sites.

Gates Says Sanctions Cause Iranian Rift, Opposes Military Strike

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says international sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program are causing division among the country’s leaders, and are the best way to convince them to abandon the program.

. . .

Secretary Gates said he believes the Iranian leaders are intent on developing nuclear weapons, a charge they have denied. Gates said the only long term solution to the problem is to use sanctions and diplomacy to convince the Iranians that developing the weapons is not in their interest.

“Everything else is a short-term solution, is a two-to-three-year solution,” said the defense secretary. “And if it’s a military solution, as far as I’m concerned, it will bring together a divided nation, it will make them absolutely committed to attaining nuclear weapons and they will just go deeper and more covert.”

See also:
Gates: Iran strike wouldn’t stop nuclear program
Gates sees Iran rift, says strike would unite country
US: Strike can’t stop Iran’s N-program
A military strike against Iran would unite the divided country and ensure Tehran’s unwavering commitment to pursuing nuclear weapons: Robert Gates
Military action won’t stop Iran nuclear program: US
Gates says military strike would unite a divided Iran

I guess militarily stopping Iran’s nuclear program is entirely up to Israel now. Unfortunately, Israel probably doesn’t have enough firepower, by itself, to pull off the successful large scale attack that would be necessary.

/so, say hello to an Iran armed with nuclear weapons, I’m sure they’ll be much more reasonable and easier to deal with at that point