CLASS Dismissed

But, but, but, how can this be, Obamacare was such a well thought out and carefully crafted 2700 page piece of legislation?

Obama drops long-term health care program

Citing cost concerns, the Obama administration said Friday it has halted a long-term care insurance program that was part of the massive health care law passed in 2010.

Called the CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance Services and Supports), the program was canceled by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius after a 19-month effort to find a way to make it financially viable.

In a letter to Congress, Sebelius wrote, “Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time.”

See also:
Long-Term Care Gets the Ax
U.S. Won’t Start Long-Term Care Insurance
Obama administration drops part of healthcare law
White House kills CLASS
Obama Pulls Plug on New Long-Term Care Insurance Program in Health Care Law
U.S. Drops Controversial Long-Term Care Program
Sebelius On The CLASS Act: ‘I Do Not See A Viable Path Forward’
Administration Drops Long-Term Care Provision Of Overhaul
Kathleen Sebelius declares end to CLASS Act
Nixing of health law’s ‘unsustainable’ CLASS Act prompts GOP inquiry
What the CLASS Act says about health-care reform

And remember, the CLASS Act was supposed to generate revenue that would offset the cost of other parts of Obamacare. So, even if you believed the absurd fiction that Obamacare paid for itself and wasn’t another massively underfunded government social entitlement, that will add trillions to the national debt, that fairy tale is obviously no longer within the realm of reality. Eliminating the CLASS Act is like kicking out a leg of the three legged Obamacare stool. The thread is being pulled and the Obamacare sweater is starting to unravel.

/between the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on the individual mandate and the 2012 elections,, hopefully Obamacare will become just an unpleasant memory within the next few years