Pathological Liar In Chief

The Obama White House, home of the Whopper.

Obama ‘makes up meeting with teacher who “lost his job”… and he is actually still employed’

Barack Obama is today facing accusations that his tale about a teacher told he was losing his job three times was not entirely accurate.

The President claimed on Thursday to have ‘had a chance to meet a young man named Robert Baroz’ – but they have reportedly never met.

He also talked about the teacher ‘receiving three pink slips because of budget cuts’ – but neglected to mention he reportedly never lost his job.

See also:
Tale of Hub teacher’s job struggle stretches truth
President Obama’s Teachers Tale Embellished?
Obama’s News Conference Anecdote About Boston Teacher Raises Questions
Why Isn’t Obama’s Teacher Lie National News?
Obama Lies For “A Higher Truth”
Obama’s English Teacher Fiction
Obama Fibs on Teacher’s Job Struggle
FAIL: Teacher Cited in Obama Sob Story Actually Has a Job!
Why it’s really hard to trust Barack Obama 10/7/11

Of course, Obama has a long history of telling outrageous lies, it’s compulsive, he’ll literally say anything if he thinks it will help him, whether or not it’s true doesn’t matter a bit. Obama has no moral compass and absolutely no shame.

/America can’t kick Obama’s corrupt, worthless, prevaricating ass out of the White House soon enough to suit me