Making Iraq Unsafe For Christianity

Mission accomplished. There are now half as many Christians in Iraq as there were under the Saddam Hussein regime and the Christians that remain live in constant fear.

A Major Al-Qaida victory: Christmas is canceled in Iraq

The radical terrorist organization Al-Qaida not only subscribes to the idea that Islam is the only legitimate path to God but that countries with predominantly Moslem populations are sacred and should not include residents who are infidels. In what is clearly a major psychological victory for Ben-Ladan’s band of terrorst-fanatics, the Christian community in Iraq has decided to not publicly celebrate Christmas this year.

On October 31st, 68 Iraqi Christians were murdered during an Al-Qaida terrorist-assault on Our Lady of Salvation (Catholic) Church in Bagdad while mass was being conducted. Eye witness reports stated that the terrorists entered the Church and began shooting randomly at worshipers. Crying children only called attention to themselves and were shown no mercy.

In the days that followed, militants targeted the homes and neighborhoods of Christians throughout the Iraq. Since then, more than a 1,000 Christian Iraqi families have fled to the Kurdish controlled province of Kurdistan in the north. Tens of thousands of Christians have left the country in fear since the start of the war in 2003.

See also:
Christmas canceled in Iraq for fear of violence
Christmas festivities canceled in Iraq after new Al Qaeda threats
Iraqi Christians mark safer Christmas in Kurdistan
For some Iraqi Christians, this may be last Christmas in Baghdad
Iraqi Christians Exercise Caution for Christmas
Iraqi churches cancel Christmas festivities
Iraq Christians cancel Christmas celebrations amid threats
Iraqis defy threats to pack massacre church on Xmas
Iraqi Christians Cancel Christmas
Iraq Christians cancel Christmas festivities
Christian exodus from Iraq gathers pace

Remember Colin Powell’s supposed Pottery Barn rule. “you break it, you buy it”. This is happening on our watch. Just something to think about.

/oh, and this just in, Islam is way beyond vile, an evil festering pus sore on the face of the Earth