Sharia Law Lashes Out At Women

Saudi journalist sentenced to 60 lashes

A Saudi court sentenced a female journalist Saturday to 60 lashes for her work on a controversial Arabic-language TV show that aired an episode in which a man bragged about his sex life, two sources told CNN.

The court in Jeddah also imposed a two-year travel ban on Rosanna Al-Yami, according to a Saudi Information Ministry official, who could not be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media. The ban prevents her from traveling outside Saudi Arabia.

This official identified Al-Yami as a fixer, who helps journalists obtain stories, and a coordinator for Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., the network that aired “A Thick Red Line,” a popular show on social taboos.

On one episode, a Saudi man, Mazen Abdul Jawad, bragged about sex and got into trouble with Saudi authorities for his boasts. Abdul Jawad was put on trial and sentenced to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes.

Suleiman Al-Jumeii, the attorney who represents Abdul Jawad, also confirmed the sentence against Al-Yami, saying he believes she is the first Saudi journalist ever to be sentenced to lashes.

Two Sudanese women face lashes for wearing trousers

Two Sudanese women were on Thursday sentenced to 20 lashes and fined for committing an act of indecency by wearing trousers, weeks after a similar case sparked worldwide controversy.

The two women were arrested at the same party as Lubna Hussein, a former journalist who was also charged with wearing trousers and publicised her case as part of a campaign against Sudan’s public order laws, Hussein told Reuters.

Judge Hassan Mohamed Ali sentenced each woman to 20 lashes and a fine of 250 Sudanese pounds ($110) in Khartoum East court on Thursday afternoon.

See also:
Saudi woman journalist sentenced to 60 lashes
Saudi female journalist to be flogged over TV show
Saudi TV worker sentenced to 60 lashes
Saudi female journalist gets lashes for sex show
Saudi female TV journalist gets 60 lashes
Lashes for Saudi woman journalist
60 Lashes Ordered for Saudi Woman
Saudi court orders flogging of female journalist
Sudan women face 20 lashes for ‘indecent’ clothes
2 women in Sudan sentenced for wearing pants
Sudanese Women Sentenced For Wearing Pants
Arrest For Wearing Pants Galvanizes Women In Sudan
Flogging For Sudanese Women Arrested With Lubna Hussein For Wearing Pants

Yes sir, Sharia law, meting out draconian, medieval punishment to women for the dastardly crimes of wearing pants and working on a TV show where someone actually dared to discuss sex. The horror! We can’t have that now can we? Sharia, the law of Islam, the religion of sexual repression, says so.

/but don’t worry, Obama’s adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed says Sharia law is good for women