Speaking Truth To Farce

Bibi pours on the reality and lays the wood on the Jew haters. Predictably, the Jew haters hated it.

‘We’re Ready’: Netanyahu Challenges Abbas to Restart Peace Talks

An hour after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the U.N. General Assembly to a rousing ovation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a more measured response.

“The Palestinians should first make peace and then declare their state,” he said today in response to Abbas’ bid for U.N. statehood. “Israel is prepared to have a Palestinian state but we are not willing to have another Gaza.”

See also:
Full transcript of Netanyahu speech at UN General Assembly
Netanyahu chides UN, seeks renewed talks with Abbas
In U.N. speeches, Abbas, Netanyahu trade charges of ‘ethnic cleansing’
In Jerusalem, pessimism prevails after UN speeches
Netanyahu on the attack in UN speech
Palestinians Celebrate, Israelis Express Concern Over UN Recognition Bid
Netanyahu to convene advisers to discuss Quartet peace planPalestinian leader rejects intl peace blueprint
Abbas says ‘no’ to Jewish state
Palestinian refusal to recognize a Jewish state preventing peace: Israeli PM

/Michael Ramirez

The ground truth is that there is no such thing as a “Palestinian”, there never has been in all of history, Gaza is controlled by Hamas, sworn to the destruction of Israel, and none of the “Palestinian” leadership will even recognize that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state. Their motto is “from the river to the sea“, they’re constantly attacking Israel, and they indoctrinate their children from birth to hate and kill Jews.

/until they completely turn around their culture to conform with the civilized world, if that’s even possible, and accept peaceful coexistence with the Jewish state of Israel, why on Earth should these sick, genocidal, Islamic Jew hating “Palestinian” freaks be granted statehood?