Dumbass In Chief

What a moron! What the [expletive deleted] was he thinking? Seriously, has he lost his mind, is he on drugs, is he mentally ill?

/Allan Tannenbaum/Pool/Getty Images

Obama Flubs Photo Op By Blocking World Leader’s Face With Wave

President Obama turned a group photo op at the United Nations Tuesday into a photo flop when he tossed a wave of the hand, blocking Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj’s face as the camera flashed

See also:
Photobomb! Obama’s friendly wave hijacks group picture at U.N. photocall
PICKET: Obama blows U.N. photo op
President Obama Forgets He’s Not Alone During Photo Op at U.N.
The ‘hilarious’ photo of Obama ‘moronically’ waving
Another amazing Obama photo
Where’s Weirdo: Obama’s excellent photo op adventure
New “Sorry Everybody” campaign: Apologize on Obama’s behalf to the President of Mongolia

This idiot is President of the United States? Doesn’t the fool have any handlers that can teach him about diplomatic protocol?

/it’s bad enough that he’s single-handedly destroying the U.S. economy, but then he has to rub it in by making an ass of himself and the United States an international laughingstock