There Is No Humor In Islam

The Religion of Murder and Mayhem strikes again, proving once again that Islam is incompatible with Western civilization.

Firebomb hits French satire magazine

The offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly French magazine, have been burnt down in a firebomb attack on the same day that it published a special edition entitled “Charia [Sharia] Hebdo” with the Prophet Muhammad depicted as editor-in-chief.

The paper’s website was also brought down by hackers in what staff believe was retaliation for the publication, which “celebrated” the victory of an Islamist political party in the recent Tunisian elections and the promise from Libya’s interim leader that Sharia law would be the principal source of legislation in the country. The magazine’s front page carried a large picture of the prophet, which is forbidden in Islam, with the caption: “100 lashes if you are not dying of laughter”.

See also:
French satirical paper firebombed after publishing Mohammed cartoon
French Satirical Magazine Office Fire Bombed Ahead of ‘Muhammad Edition’
Newspaper firebombed after Arab Spring satire
French magazine bombed for caricature of Islamic prophet Muhammad
Firebomb Torches French Weekly
Satirical weekly offices attacked
French Newspaper Firebombed After Satire Involving Prophet Muhammad
Fire hits French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo after it publishes cartoons of the prophet Muhammad
Muhammad cartoon sparks attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo – video
Jidhadists celebrate attack on French satirical paper
Satirical website remains offline after death threats
French satire is no match for militant Islam
Chris Selley: First, they came for the bad satirists…
Satire And The Prophet: Supporting French Magazine’s Right To Spoof Mohammed
French paper reprints Mohammad cartoon after fire-bomb

Free speech is a basic tenet of a free society and satire is a subset of free speech, including the right to satirize religion. Of course, there is no freedom of speech in Islam, under Sharia law, which would be fine if they kept to themselves and Muslims, driven by the basic mandates of their religion, weren’t continuously attempting to conquer and impose their beliefs and values on, often by violent means, the infidels of Western civilization.

/so, until Muslims, as a society, collectively decide to leave the 7th century, reform their religion, and catch up with the 21st century, Islam and Western civilization will never mix, because us infidels refuse to time travel backward in terms of freedom and world history