No Jews Allowed

Here you go boys and girls, here’s the new Libya that Obama threw billions of dollars at and the full weight of the United States behind, freedom and democracy for all unless, you know, you’re a Jew.

Exiled Libyan Jew blocked from restoring synagogue

A Libyan Jewish man who returned from exile to try to restore Tripoli’s main synagogue has been blocked from the building a day after knocking down the wall in front of its entrance.

A visibly angry David Gerbi went to clean garbage from the synagogue on Monday only to be told by men at the scene that they had received warnings he would be targeted by violence and that he should stop his efforts.

Gerbi, who fled with his family to Italy in 1967, said he had secured permission from the local sheik to restore the synagogue and that he was surprised he was now being blocked from completing the work. Gerbi’s colleague Richard Peters said that several men armed with assault rifles later appeared to guard the building.

Breaking down in tears, Gerbi said Monday that Libya needs to decide if it’s going to be a racist country or a democratic one.

See also:
Exiled Libyan Jew says armed men block him from synagogue day after he opened it
Gunmen bar Libyan Jew from entering Tripoli synagogue
Exiled Libyan Jew says synagogue efforts blocked
UPDATE 1-Returned Libyan Jew says driven from Tripoli synagogue
Returning Libyan Jew says threatened over temple
Exiled Libyan Jew says synagogue efforts blocked
Libyan Jew returns home after 44-year exile
Libyan “revolutionary Jew” to restore synagogue
Libyan Jew Reopens Tripoli’s Lone Temple
Libyan Jew stopped from restoring Tripoli synagogue
Libya’s New Rulers Hate Jews Too?

If you check the “Arab Spring” scorecard, you’ll notice that every time Obama has taken a side in an uprising, it’s been the side inhabited by radical Islamists, who openly hate Jews and pray for Israel’s destruction.

/Obama and the entire U.S. State Department just can’t be that dumb or naive, it has to be a deliberate policy