NATO Makes Libya Safe . . . For Sharia Law

Is this what NATO fought for?

Libya’s new leaders say they will make Islamic Sharia law main source of legislation

Libya’s new leaders said they intend to make Islamic Sharia law the main source of legislation and will nullify any laws that contradict its tenets, giving the country a more Islamist character in the post-Moammar Gadhafi era.

Islamic law, or Sharia, is enshrined as the basis of the constitution in a number of Middle Eastern countries with Muslim majorities. Most Gulf nations’ constitutions state that Sharia is a main source of legislation, while Egypt says it is “the source.”

See also:
Libya’s new leader declares an Islamic state
Libya Sharia Law: Islamic Law Will be ‘Basic Source’ of Legislation
Sharia: Obama-encouraged Libyan transitional council approves polygamy, bans banking interest
Libya to use Islamic law as source of legislation
Interim Leader Says Sharia Law Will Guide Libya
Libya’s NTC head Jalil pledges to uphold Islamic law
Sharia law surprise for secular-minded Libyans
Libya to adopt Sharia law, ends public showing of Gaddafi’s body
Libya National Transitional Council Chairman Says Sharia Law Will be Blueprint for Libyan State
Sharia law for Libya?
Is a Sharia-Law-Based Libya a Betrayal of the Arab Spring?
Sharia law declaration raises fears among women in new Libya
Libyan women being raped as spoils of Shariah law: group

Well gee, Obama and NATO were so intent on getting rid of Gadhafi and now that he’s gone, look what happens, Libya adopts Sharia law before Gadhafi is even buried. It’s not like the West doesn’t already have enough worldwide problems with adherents to Sharia law and now NATO’s enthusiastically facilitated turning another country over to Islamic radicals.

/in every single one of these “Arab Spring” uprising countries, Obama has backed the side inhabited by Islamic radicals, what’s he trying to do, help reestablish an Islamic Caliphate?