NATO Makes Libya Safe . . . For Sharia Law

Is this what NATO fought for?

Libya’s new leaders say they will make Islamic Sharia law main source of legislation

Libya’s new leaders said they intend to make Islamic Sharia law the main source of legislation and will nullify any laws that contradict its tenets, giving the country a more Islamist character in the post-Moammar Gadhafi era.

Islamic law, or Sharia, is enshrined as the basis of the constitution in a number of Middle Eastern countries with Muslim majorities. Most Gulf nations’ constitutions state that Sharia is a main source of legislation, while Egypt says it is “the source.”

See also:
Libya’s new leader declares an Islamic state
Libya Sharia Law: Islamic Law Will be ‘Basic Source’ of Legislation
Sharia: Obama-encouraged Libyan transitional council approves polygamy, bans banking interest
Libya to use Islamic law as source of legislation
Interim Leader Says Sharia Law Will Guide Libya
Libya’s NTC head Jalil pledges to uphold Islamic law
Sharia law surprise for secular-minded Libyans
Libya to adopt Sharia law, ends public showing of Gaddafi’s body
Libya National Transitional Council Chairman Says Sharia Law Will be Blueprint for Libyan State
Sharia law for Libya?
Is a Sharia-Law-Based Libya a Betrayal of the Arab Spring?
Sharia law declaration raises fears among women in new Libya
Libyan women being raped as spoils of Shariah law: group

Well gee, Obama and NATO were so intent on getting rid of Gadhafi and now that he’s gone, look what happens, Libya adopts Sharia law before Gadhafi is even buried. It’s not like the West doesn’t already have enough worldwide problems with adherents to Sharia law and now NATO’s enthusiastically facilitated turning another country over to Islamic radicals.

/in every single one of these “Arab Spring” uprising countries, Obama has backed the side inhabited by Islamic radicals, what’s he trying to do, help reestablish an Islamic Caliphate?

About Those Libyan “Rebels”

Be careful what you wish for, because it probably won’t turn out the way you’d hoped it would.

Islamic law at heart of new Libyan constitution

The Libyan Transitional National Council (TNC) has issued a draft of a new constitution which has Islamic law as its foundation.

According to the document issued by the TNC, Islam will be the state religion and the principal source of legislation will be the sharia (Islamic law).

See also:
Libyan Draft Constitution: Sharia Is ‘Principal Source Of Legislation’…
DOCUMENT: Libya’s Draft Constitutional Charter
Draft Libya Constitution Puts Sharia Front and Center
Libyan Draft Constitution: Sharia is ‘Principal Source of Legislation’
What Will Libya Look Like?
Sharia In Libya
Libya Made Safe for Sharia?
Did NATO help pave the way for Sharia law in Libya?
New Constitution for Libya to Enforce Sharia Law?

Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya, three countries the United States has made safe for the constitutional dominance of Islamic law through force of arms. These are also three countries where Christians are routinely persecuted and killed just for being Christians living under Muslim rule.

And then there’s Egypt, where the U.S. encouraged the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak and downplayed the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood gaining power. Well, now Egyptian elections are coming up soon and it looks like the Muslim Brotherhood will, indeed, dominate the next government of Egypt. While Mubarak was in power, Egypt was Israel’s strongest partner in Middle East peace. Now, after Mubarak, the majority of Egyptians are calling for an abrogation of the peace treaty with Israel, weapons are being freely smuggled to Hamas through Egypt, and terrorist attacks are being launched against Israel from Egyptian soil.

/is this the type of “democracy” and “freedom” the United States is looking to spread throughout the Middle East region?

Egypt Votes, But For What Exactly?

Egypt had a free and fair vote to amend the Egyptian constitution, that’s a good thing, right? Not so fast.

Egypt Approves Amendments

Egyptians voted in overwhelming numbers to approve a set of constitutional amendments, setting the stage for Egypt’s first truly contested parliamentary and presidential elections in decades.

Saturday’s historic referendum on the amendments saw millions of enthusiastic Egyptians wait patiently for hours to cast ballots in what for almost everyone was a novelty—a vote in which the result wasn’t effectively predetermined.

The largely peaceful and fraud-free vote was a marked contrast to past elections and a glimpse of how much has changed in Egypt in the weeks since President Hosni Mubarak stepped down amid widespread unrest, ending decades of single-party, autocratic rule.

Yet Saturday’s referendum also offered early clues into the rifts likely to shape Egyptian politics in the coming months and years. Many of the largely secular liberals who led the revolution that ousted Mr. Mubarak were opposed to the amendments, strongly suggesting the protest leaders have fallen out of sync with the vast majority of Egyptians.

Protest leaders criticized the amendments as part of a rushed and problematic timeline for establishing democracy; approving the changes started the clock on a race they said they are unprepared to run because they are still setting up parties.

Almost alone among the political groups in support of the amendments were the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group outlawed under Mr. Mubarak, and the National Democratic Party, the former president’s ruling party. Both hope to capitalize on their already strong organizations in summer elections for parliament, which will then be charged with writing an entirely new constitution.
. . .

Journalists covering the announcement abandoned any pretenses of objectivity and yelled “Allahu Akbar!”—”God is Great!”—when the tallies were read out by officials.

See also:
How Egypt’s historic referendum could now bolster Islamists
Big majority vote for constitutional changes in Egypt
Egypt Backs Constitutional Changes That May Aid Brotherhood, Mubarak Party
Egypt: Constitution changes pass in referendum
Egyptians approve constitutional amendments in referendum
Egyptians overwhelmingly approve constitutional changes
Egyptians set for summer elections
Egyptian voters say ‘yes’ to speedy elections
Egypt’s Historic Referendum: Rushed But Moving
Egypt referendum results: 77.2 per cent say ‘Yes’ to the amendments
Egypt approves amendments, prepares for next step
Egyptians get taste of democracy in post-Mubarak era
Egyptians approve constitutional changes, clearing way for elections

Egypt has zero recent history of democracy or diverse political parties. So, obviously, whatever groups are already the most organized will benefit the most from the early elections just approved. And what’s the most organized group in Egypt? The Muslim Brotherhood. What happens if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to dominate the democratically elected parliament after this summer’s elections and, therefore, gets to write the new Egyptian constitution?

/it could very well turn out to be “one man, one vote, one time

Enemy Of The Economy

Elizabeth Warren has never held a private sector job, never worked in the financial industry, and she hates banks, with a passion. So, what’s Obama’s brilliant idea? Let’s put her in charge of the new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection bureaucracy! There’s only one problem, that position requires Senate confirmation and Warren is so toxic that even top Democrats know that there’s no way she would ever be confirmed. So, does that stop Obama, have Constitutional requirements ever stopped Obama? Hell no! Obama just ignored the Senate confirmation requirement and appointed her as his newest “czarina”.

Obama names Warren to new post

President Obama on Friday formally tapped Harvard Law Prof. Elizabeth Warren as a “special adviser” tasked with setting up a new consumer watchdog agency, sidestepping a thorny Senate confirmation battle and drawing the ire of Republicans.

Ms. Warren, who had been serving as head of the investigative board that oversees the $700 billion Wall Street bailout, is a hero to many progressives but is viewed coolly by financial firms turned off by her harsh rhetoric surrounding their role in the recession.

That’s likely one of the reasons Mr. Obama opted not to name Ms. Warren director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as that position would require Senate confirmation — something that even Democrats, including Sen. Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, have said may not be possible. Instead, she will take the lead in establishing the new regulator, serving as a special adviser to Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner and a special assistant to Mr. Obama.

See also:
Warren takes post; liberals cheer
Hurdles for Warren in Agency Launch
Warren is named bureau adviser
Obama taps Elizabeth Warren to launch Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Barack Obama taps Elizabeth Warren for consumer watchdog job
What has Wall Street got against Elizabeth Warren?
Obama names consumer advocate Warren to new post
Obama makes it offical: taps Elizabeth Warren as financial consumer czar
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Oh boy, just what this economy needs, a brand new gigantic government bureaucracy, created by someone with zero private sector experience, that will generate reams of onerous new government regulations. Is it any wonder why the United States has such an unfriendly business climate?

/somewhere in Germany, the Board of Deutsche Bank is smiling

Just Vote No

Here’s a chance for the secularists in Turkey to push back against Islam.

Turkey’s vote on constitution also a referendum on its premier

The battle between Turkey’s socially conservative, Islam-rooted government and the country’s more secular political establishment will come to a head Sunday, when Turks vote on a package of constitutional amendments in a referendum that is being cast as a judgment on the leadership of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

A single up-or-down vote is required on 26 proposed constitutional changes. They include uncontroversial steps such as expanding rights for the disabled as well as a more polarizing amendment that would give the executive branch more power in appointing judges and state prosecutors.

The referendum is the most far-reaching attempt to amend the constitution since it was put in place in 1982 after a military coup. The results will shape Turkey’s political outlook as it heads into general elections in the spring. A no vote could bolster the opposition and cost Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) support in those elections. That could lead to a coalition government, which in the past has prompted economic instability.

A yes vote would give the AKP another chance to confirm its mandate and an advantage heading into campaigning for a third term. But it would also mean that the polarization among Turks about the country’s direction will continue to grow.

See also:
Turkey Referendum to Be Closely Watched
Recep Tayyip Erdogan facing crucial Turkey vote
Turks Hold Referendum on Amendments to Constitution
Key issues in Turkey’s referendum on amendments
Judicial referendum divides Turkey
Turkey votes in referendum to amend constitution
Turkey’s Vote A Popularity Contest For Democracy
Turks go to the polls in crucial referendum

This vote is huge, a microcosm for where the world is headed.

/keep your fingers crossed because it’s too close to call