Showdown At The Supreme Court Corral

The sooner this Obamacare abomination is declared unconstitutional, the better for the country, the economy, and the American people. It’s a huge, bloated beached whale that will add trillions to the national debt and increase the cost and lower the quality of health care, forcing people to pay more to wait longer for less.

Supreme Court could rule on health care law in months

The Obama administration set the stage Monday for the Supreme Court to rule early next year on the constitutionality of the president’s health care law by declining to press for a full appeal in a lower court.

The Justice Department announced it will forego an appeal to the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Such an appeal to the 10-member court could have taken months and delayed a final decision from the high court until at least 2013.

In August, a 2-1 panel of the 11th Circuit became the first appellate court to declare unconstitutional the new requirement that all Americans have health insurance.

Now, the administration can appeal directly to the Supreme Court and ask the justices to schedule the case to be heard and decided during the term that begins next week and ends in June. If the court follows that schedule, the justices will hand down a ruling on Obama’s signature legislation just as the election campaign moves into high gear.

See also:
‘Obamacare’ Closer to Supreme Court Review After Administration Declines to Appeal Latest Ruling
Unconstitutional Obamacare? Supreme Court battle is on in 2012
It’s On: Health Care Reform is Going to SCOTUS
Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court
Administration Lets Case Go Forward Against Health Reform Law
Obama Won’t Seek Hearing on Health Law, Setting Stage for High Court Case
Health Law Path to High Court Clears
Health Case Closer to High Court
No Appeal for Health Care Law in Atlanta
Obamacare Headed for Supreme Court
Obama Administration: No Challenge to Health Care Ruling

Over the centuries, the Commerce Clause has been bent and warped to justify all manner of Federal government intervention in people’s lives, but Obamacare is a bridge too far. You simply cannot force U.S. citizens to affirmatively purchase a product against their will. And, if the Federal government can force people to buy health insurance, what product can’t they make them buy?

/Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional and if the Supreme Court agrees and strikes it down, in the middle of the run up to next year’s Presidential election, it will blow Obama’s already dwindling reelection chances clear out of the water