Smart Diplomacy Comes Home To Roost

Remember when Obama was all about shoving long time U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak under the bus? Well, apparently, he and his State Department didn’t think through the consequences very well. Or, if they did, they’re really dumb or naive or both.

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood names Khairat al-Shater as presidential candidate

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood announced on Saturday it will field its deputy chairman, Khairat al-Shater, as a candidate in the upcoming presidential election.

The Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Mohammed Badie, announced Shater’s nomination in a news conference and read out a brief statement from Shater, who was not present.

“After it was decided to field my name in the presidential elections, I can only accept the decision of the Brotherhood. I will therefore resign from my position as deputy chairman,” Shater’s statement said.

The Brotherhood’s political arm, the Justice and Freedom Party (JFP), also announced the decision on its Facebook page on Saturday.

See also:
Egypt Brotherhood candidate stirs unease
Egypt’s Brotherhood candidate stirs unease, even on Facebook
Revolution’s Spearhead?
Egypt Brotherhood candidate: sharia is main goal
Egypt Brotherhood candidate says sharia is main goal
Muslim Brotherhood candidate alters Egypt’s election race
Why the U.S. May Be Secretly Cheering a Muslim Brotherhood Run For Egypt’s Presidency
Muslim Brotherhood Finally Takes it a Step Too Far
Brotherhood defends Al-Shater’s nomination, Abdullah Al-Asha’al backs him
Profile: Egypt’s Khairat al-Shater
Egypt’s “Engineer”: A Look Under the Hood
Egypt candidate: Muslim Brotherhood’s Khairat al-Shater
Khairat El-Shater
Justice and Freedom Party
Freedom and Justice Party (Egypt)

Seriously, what informed person in their right mind didn’t see this coming? The Muslim Brotherhood already controls a majority in the Egyptian parliament and now they’re going for the political jugular to solidify their power. If they’re successful, it won’t bode well for Christians, women, or relations with Israel and the United States and it certainly won’t resemble anything close to what the West calls democracy.

/was this impending ugliness the change the feckless, Utopian Obama Foreign Policy Clown Posse was hoping for?

Are You Ready For Some Hitler?

Hank, Hank, Hank, bad move, it’s just not politically correct or acceptable to associate Obama with Hitler. It’s only okay to compare Bush to Hitler

ESPN drops Hank Williams Jr. from ‘Monday Night Football’

After ESPN dropped Hank Williams Jr. from opening Monday Night Football tonight after Williams’ controversial comments Monday about President Obama, the singer now says he was “misunderstood.”

Says ESPN, in a statement: “While Hank Williams Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize he is closely linked to our company through the opening to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result have decided to pull the open from tonight’s telecast.”

Williams, perhaps best known for his “are you ready for some football?” lead-in to ESPN’s Monday Night Football, Monday compared this summer’s so-called golf summit between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner as “one of the biggest political mistakes ever.”

As Williams put it on Fox News’ Fox & Friends: “It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu.”

See also:
ESPN pulls Williams from MNF opening
‘Monday Night Football’ intro pulled after Hank Williams Jr. comments
ESPN Pulls Hank Williams Jr. Intro After He Compared President Obama to Hitler
Are You Ready For Some Führer?ESPN pulls NFL song after Hitler analogy
ESPN pulls intro after Hank Williams’ Obama comments
ESPN not ready for Hitler analogy
ESPN pulls intro after Williams’ Obama comments
Hank Williams Jr. Intro Dropped from ‘Monday Night Football’
Hank Williams Jr. Says Obama Like Hitler; Likes Herman Cain
Hank Williams Jr. Pulled From ‘Monday Night Football’ After Comparing Obama to Hitler
ESPN Cans Hank Williams Jr. Over Anti-Obama Comments
ESPN pulls Hank Williams Jr.’s ‘Are you ready for some football?’ song from Monday Night Football
How are we supposed to get ready for some football now?

Can you say overreaction by ESPN? Putting aside for a minute that Hank never actually, directly compared Obama to Hitler, if you watch the video it’s pretty obvious that Hank is high on something more than just life. Cut the dude some slack, he’s survived a traumatic brain injury, he’s a musician, musicians spout all sorts of bizarre thoughts aloud. Bring the song back, it’s a decades long tradition, Monday Night Football is pretty lame without it.

/I predict that ESPN will cave and the song will be back next week

Showdown At The Supreme Court Corral

The sooner this Obamacare abomination is declared unconstitutional, the better for the country, the economy, and the American people. It’s a huge, bloated beached whale that will add trillions to the national debt and increase the cost and lower the quality of health care, forcing people to pay more to wait longer for less.

Supreme Court could rule on health care law in months

The Obama administration set the stage Monday for the Supreme Court to rule early next year on the constitutionality of the president’s health care law by declining to press for a full appeal in a lower court.

The Justice Department announced it will forego an appeal to the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Such an appeal to the 10-member court could have taken months and delayed a final decision from the high court until at least 2013.

In August, a 2-1 panel of the 11th Circuit became the first appellate court to declare unconstitutional the new requirement that all Americans have health insurance.

Now, the administration can appeal directly to the Supreme Court and ask the justices to schedule the case to be heard and decided during the term that begins next week and ends in June. If the court follows that schedule, the justices will hand down a ruling on Obama’s signature legislation just as the election campaign moves into high gear.

See also:
‘Obamacare’ Closer to Supreme Court Review After Administration Declines to Appeal Latest Ruling
Unconstitutional Obamacare? Supreme Court battle is on in 2012
It’s On: Health Care Reform is Going to SCOTUS
Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court
Administration Lets Case Go Forward Against Health Reform Law
Obama Won’t Seek Hearing on Health Law, Setting Stage for High Court Case
Health Law Path to High Court Clears
Health Case Closer to High Court
No Appeal for Health Care Law in Atlanta
Obamacare Headed for Supreme Court
Obama Administration: No Challenge to Health Care Ruling

Over the centuries, the Commerce Clause has been bent and warped to justify all manner of Federal government intervention in people’s lives, but Obamacare is a bridge too far. You simply cannot force U.S. citizens to affirmatively purchase a product against their will. And, if the Federal government can force people to buy health insurance, what product can’t they make them buy?

/Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional and if the Supreme Court agrees and strikes it down, in the middle of the run up to next year’s Presidential election, it will blow Obama’s already dwindling reelection chances clear out of the water

Farewell To The King

Nooooooooooo, say it ain’t so!

Burger King Kills Off King Mascot Commercials

Burger King has decided that putting a creepy plastic mask on a robe-wearing human body isn’t good for business. After declining sales, the world’s second largest hamburger chain has decided to end its advertising campaign featuring the King mascot and instead focus its advertising on the food itself, beginning this week with commercials for its newest avocado and cheese-bearing product.

Since advertising firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky began working with Burger King in 2003, the King has been at the forefront of their campaigns. In the “Wake Up With the King” series meant to sell the chain’s new breakfast sandwiches, for example, unwitting customers wake up to find the silent mascot lurking outside of their windows or next to them in bed. We’re guessing that the narrator’s raspy voice also didn’t help “appeal to [the] broader audience” Burger King spokesman Miguel Piedra says the brand wants to attract.

See also:
Burger King Mascot to be Retired
Burger King mascot out, California Whopper in: Fast food company to focus more on menu items in ads
Anarchy in the BK: Burger King mascot dethroned
Burger King Dethrones Its Creepy ‘King’ Mascot
Burger King Mascot Gets the Boot From Fast Food Giant
Burger King retires its royal pitchman
Farewell To The King: California Whopper, Not Mascot, Will Star In BK Ad
Burger King Fires the “King”Burger King Retires Creepy, Mute Mascot
BK drops the king, adds guacamole
Creepy mascot, we hardly knew ye!
An Open Letter to the Deposed Burger King, From Fork in the Road

Okay, so The King was a little creepy, but the commercials were awesome, cult classics! At least he wasn’t boring like showing 30 seconds worth of retouched pictures of highly stylized food that looks absolutely nothing like the mangled, defective product you actually get in the store. Boo, the King will be missed.

/I mean, damn, first McDonalds wipes out Ronald McDonald and now Burger King kills off The King, what is the world of Big Burger coming to, how long will it be before Wendy’s takes Wendy out back and shoots her too?