Are You Ready For Some Hitler?

Hank, Hank, Hank, bad move, it’s just not politically correct or acceptable to associate Obama with Hitler. It’s only okay to compare Bush to Hitler

ESPN drops Hank Williams Jr. from ‘Monday Night Football’

After ESPN dropped Hank Williams Jr. from opening Monday Night Football tonight after Williams’ controversial comments Monday about President Obama, the singer now says he was “misunderstood.”

Says ESPN, in a statement: “While Hank Williams Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize he is closely linked to our company through the opening to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result have decided to pull the open from tonight’s telecast.”

Williams, perhaps best known for his “are you ready for some football?” lead-in to ESPN’s Monday Night Football, Monday compared this summer’s so-called golf summit between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner as “one of the biggest political mistakes ever.”

As Williams put it on Fox News’ Fox & Friends: “It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu.”

See also:
ESPN pulls Williams from MNF opening
‘Monday Night Football’ intro pulled after Hank Williams Jr. comments
ESPN Pulls Hank Williams Jr. Intro After He Compared President Obama to Hitler
Are You Ready For Some Führer?ESPN pulls NFL song after Hitler analogy
ESPN pulls intro after Hank Williams’ Obama comments
ESPN not ready for Hitler analogy
ESPN pulls intro after Williams’ Obama comments
Hank Williams Jr. Intro Dropped from ‘Monday Night Football’
Hank Williams Jr. Says Obama Like Hitler; Likes Herman Cain
Hank Williams Jr. Pulled From ‘Monday Night Football’ After Comparing Obama to Hitler
ESPN Cans Hank Williams Jr. Over Anti-Obama Comments
ESPN pulls Hank Williams Jr.’s ‘Are you ready for some football?’ song from Monday Night Football
How are we supposed to get ready for some football now?

Can you say overreaction by ESPN? Putting aside for a minute that Hank never actually, directly compared Obama to Hitler, if you watch the video it’s pretty obvious that Hank is high on something more than just life. Cut the dude some slack, he’s survived a traumatic brain injury, he’s a musician, musicians spout all sorts of bizarre thoughts aloud. Bring the song back, it’s a decades long tradition, Monday Night Football is pretty lame without it.

/I predict that ESPN will cave and the song will be back next week