It’s The Jihad, Stupid

Oh look, it’s yet another Muslim spreading Islam’s message of peace and tolerance.

NYC Arrests Terror Suspect Accused of Plotting to Bomb Police Cars

An al-Qaida sympathizer who plotted to bomb NYPD patrol cars and postal facilities and envisioned targeting U.S. soldiers returning home from overseas has been arrested, officials said.

Mayor Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced the arrest of Jose Pimentel, 27, Sunday evening at City Hall.

Bloomberg said Pimentel, of Washington Heights, was “inspired by al-Qaida propaganda” but not part of any larger group and was not believed to be working with others. He was also “motivated by his own resentment of the presence of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Bloomberg said.

. . .

Pimentel, also known as Muhammad Yusuf, was denied bail and remained in custody.

See also:
Latino al-Qaida Sympathizer Accused of NYC Bomb Plot
Bloomberg: NYPD thwarts al Qaeda-inspired terror plot
The Charges Against Jose Pimentel, and Details from the Investigation
N.Y. Man Charged in Terror Plot After FBI Said to Decline Case
NYC terror suspect was building test bomb
Mayor Bloomberg On Foiled NYC Terror Plot: “Sick People” Want To Take Others’ Freedoms
Jose Pimentel’s Arrest a Timely Reminder That Terror Threat Is Still Very Real
Awlaki killing was trigger for NYC plot suspect
Terror plot shows al-Awlaki’s influence lives on after death
New York City bomb plot suspect a ‘total lone wolf’
Mother of Bomb Plot Suspect Apologizes to NYers
‘I apologise to the city of New York’: Catholic mother says sorry for Muslim convert son ‘who was one hour from finishing DIY bomb’
NYC Bomb Plot
Jose Pimentel: Terror Suspect Arrested

It’s amazing how the authorities keep foiling these jihadi plots and that there hasn’t been a successful mass casualty terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of disgruntled Muslims willing to give it a try.

/are we good or just lucky?