Tuesday Fun With Microsoft

It’s another big one and the flaws are serious.

Microsoft Fixes 24 Bugs in June Patch Tuesday

Microsoft addressed 24 security vulnerabilities across 16 security bulletins in June’s Patch Tuesday update. This will be Microsoft’s second-largest Patch Tuesday in 2011 after April’s gargantuan release.

Microsoft patched the Windows operating system, all supported versions of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, SQL Server, Forefront, .NET/Silverlight, Active Directory and Hyper-V, the company said in its Patch Tuesday advisory released June 14. Of the patches, nine have been rated as “critical,” and seven have been ranked as important, according to Microsoft.

Microsoft called out four critical updates as top priorities on the Microsoft Security Response Center blog. They include a fix for all versions of the SMB Client on Windows (MS11-043), 11 bugs in all versions of Internet Explorer (MS11-050), another Windows flaw (MS11-052) and two issues in the DFS client for all versions of Windows (MS11-042), according to Trustworthy Computing’s Angela Gunn.

See also:
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for June 2011
Microsoft ‘Patch Tuesday’ Fixes 24 Flaws In 16 Updates
MS Patch Tuesday: Gaping holes haunt Internet Explorer browser
Patch Tuesday Fixes Dangerous Flaws with Exploits Imminent
Microsoft plugs 34 holes; Adobe fixes Flash Player bug
Microsoft patches critical IE9, Windows bugs
Patch Tuesday heralds a busy spell for admins
Microsoft Puts Out 16 Patches, 9 Critical, for June
Microsoft issues 16 bulletins, 9 critical including SMB, IE fixes
June Gloom: Microsoft Releases 16 Bulletins for Patch Tuesday
Windows Update

Damn, if Windows was a car that had been “repaired” this many times, it wouldn’t have any original parts left.

/anyway, get busy with the updating, don’t let the bad guys in, at least until they find new holes in Widows that Microsoft will have to patch next month