Here Comes The Second Wave Of Jew Haters Bent On Jihad Against Israel


Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be Al Qaeda mercenaries

On board the Mavi Marmara ship that arrived as part of the flotilla to Gaza was a group of approximately 40 people with no identification papers, who are mercenaries belonging to the Al Qaeda terror organization. This was disclosed by the Israeli Security Cabinet, which gathered on Tuesday evening (June 1) for a special meeting.

According to intelligence disclosed during that meeting, the terrorists wore bullet-proof vests, and carried with them night-vision goggles, weapons, and large sums of cash. Each person in this group had the exact same amount of cash in his pockets. While the civilian protestors were sent to the lower deck during the Shayetet Naval Special Force’s interception of the ship, the group divided into cells and remained on the upper deck in order to attack the soldiers.


/”peace flotilla” my ass!

******************************END UPDATE******************************

After last weekend’s incident on board the Mavi Marmara which, unlike the the other five ships in the “peace flotilla”, was the only ship that refused to divert to the port of Ashdod, it’s clear that the “peace activists” aboard the Mavi Marmara weren’t much interested in bringing “much needed humanitarian aid” to Gaza because, as it turns out, there’s no shortage in Gaza of any of the supplies they were transporting. The truth is that, for the most part, those on board the Mavi Marmara were jihadists, comitted to the destruction of Israel, sent by a group with links to Al-Qaeda, with the sole intention of provoking the IDF and hating on the Jews.

A participant: “Right now we face one of two happy endings: either Martyrdom or reaching Gaza.” [Based on Islamic call before battle: “Either victory or Martyrdom”.]

/Michael Ramirez

But while The Israelis are busy in Ashdod deporting the jihadi Jew haters from the first wave of the armed with weapons “peace flotilla” and sending their unneeded cargo on to Gaza, here comes the second wave of Jew haters, just itching for their turn to provoke the IDF and hate on the Jews!

And what might be the name of their second “peace flotilla” flagship? Wait for it . . . drumroll please . . .

“Introducing the MV Rachel Corrie”

The 1200-ton cargo ship had been abandoned in July 2009, off the coast of Ireland. She was then impounded after an inspection by the International Transport Federation (ITF) discovered her owners had exploited their Lithuanian crewmembers – not paying their wages and subjecting them to humiliating treatment, and they had been left with just one day of food. The 42-year-old MV Linda languished for nine months, waiting in the port of Dundalk for just the right buyer to rescue her.

On March 31, 2010, the Free Gaza Movement bought her at auction for €70,000 and will send her to the imprisoned Palestinians of Gaza loaded with cement, paper, and medical equipment, all banned by Israel from this battered and bruised slice of the Mediterranean.

Ah, yes siree Bob, what could possibly be more perfect than a “peace flotilla” flagship named after that internationally famous, peace loving “peace activist” and rabid Jew hater, Rachel Corrie?

Activists on ‘Rachel Corrie’ undeterred by Israeli action

THE DELAYED Free Gaza Movement’s cargo ship Rachel Corrie yesterday assumed a holding position in the eastern Mediterranean, poised to make a fresh attempt to reach Israeli-blockaded Gaza.

Organiser Greta Berlin said the ship was waiting for Challenger II , a small passenger boat which suffered failure of its steering gear while preparing for the passage.

The two vessels, their crews and passengers are undeterred by the Israeli commando operation against the flotilla which cost the lives of nine passengers and climaxed in the detention of the other 679 on board.

The Rachel Corrie , which began its voyage in Ireland, was named after a young US woman killed by an Israeli bulldozer demolishing Palestinian homes in Gaza.

Among those on board are Nobel Prize laureate Mairead Maguire and former UN assistant secretary general Denis Halliday.

Ms Berlin said the ships would be picking up other human rights activists and journalists before attempting the passage which Israel has vowed to stop.

“Israel can haul the Rachel Corrie into Ashdod as it did the other boats or show goodwill to the world by allowing her to proceed to Gaza,” she stated.

See also:
Irish aid boat holds course towards Gaza despite Israel warning
Aid ship Rachel Corrie still heading for Gaza
Gaza flotilla update: Ireland’s MV Rachel Corrie still headed for Gaza
IPSC: MV Rachel Corrie continues en route to Gaza as all-party Dail motion calls for its safe passage
Irish aid vessel still sailing for Gaza, ‘most serious consequences’ promised if passengers harmed
The Lone Ship of the Freedom Flotilla: The Rachel Corrie MV Continues to Sail Towards Gaza in Defiance of Israeli Threats
Ireland to Israel: Let new aid ship break Gaza blockade
Gaza flotilla ship pays tribute to fallen activist
Rachel Corrie ship sets sail for Gaza
Free Gaza Movement
Free Gaza Movement
The “Humanitarian Relief” Wing of Hamas and Al-Qaeda
Foundation for Human Rights and Freedom and Humanitarian Relief
Insani Yardim Vakfi
IHH (İnsani Yardım Vakfı)

Of course, the Rachel Corrie will never make it to Gaza and will end up in Ashdod with the rest of the “peace flotilla”, but the real mission will be nonetheless accomplished, provoke the IDF and hate on the Jews. Islamists, Lefties, and Lefty governments worldwide will be outraged that the Jew haters weren’t allowed to freely run a well publicized, long standing naval blockade of Gaza and condemn Israel for defending herself against weapons smuggling into Gaza, from which Hamas has launched thousands of rockets into Israel. And so it goes, same as it ever was.

/why is the IDF even bothering to try and board these ships after they refuse to stop, whatever happened to the tried and true practice of disabling the rudder and leaving it at that?