All They Wanna Do Is Kill Some Jews

Nothing to see here, move along, it’s just two devout Muslims practicing their ever so peaceful religion, Islam.

Terror plot against New York synagogue busted

Two men suspected of planning an attack on a Manhattan synagogue with guns and a grenade were arrested Wednesday, marking the end of a seven-month undercover operation by New York police officers.

The suspects, Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh, were detained in midtown Manhattan after buying two loaded Browning semi-automatic pistols, one Smith & Wesson revolver, ammunition and a grenade, according to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

. . .

Both men’s voices were captured on audio recordings plotting the attacks, District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. said, but they had not selected which synagogue to target.

Neither man has been charged in connection with a terrorist cell. Both, however, were allegedly “committed to violent jihad,” telling police that they wanted to kill Jewish people and also hoped to attack New York’s Empire State Building, Vance said.

See also:
NYPD arrests 2 Queens terror suspects, charged with plot to hit NYC synagogues with grenades, guns
NY Authorities Arrest 2 Terrorist Suspects
NYC terror allegations: Bold words, thwarted deeds
Suspects in Terror Case Wanted to Kill Jews, Officials Say
The Real Backlash: Homegrown Terrorists Just Wanted to Kill Jews
Two Arrested In Synagogue Terror Plot, Cops Say
Empire State Building target of foiled terror plot
Two Charged With Plot To Bomb New York City Synagogue
Two arrested over ‘plot to attack New York synagogue’
New York City Police Arrest Two In Alleged Synagogue Terror Plot
2 charged with terrorism in plot against New York synagogue
Two alleged terrorists arrested in New York
Al Qaeda’s hardmen: New York terror suspect is wannabe model who worked as MAKE-UP salesman at Saks (and his co-conspirator has a record for kicking a poodle)

It’s just another day in the ongoing global jihad. They caught these two, but there’s millions more bloodthirsty Muslims worldwide, willing and wanting to act out violently on their ingrained, brainwashed, taught from birth, Islamic hatred of Jews and infidels.

/once again, remember, not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim