Calling A Spade A Spade

Outgoing Joint Chiefs chairman Mike Mullen finally said, in public, what everybody already knows, Pakistan is the enemy, not our ally.

Mullen Blames Pakistan Intelligence for Attack

The top U.S. military officer on Thursday accused Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency of backing extremists in planning and executing the assault on the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan last week and a truck bomb attack that wounded 77 American soldiers days earlier.

In his last congressional testimony before he retires next week, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, insisted that the Haqqani insurgent network “acts as a veritable arm” of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, undermining the uneasy U.S.-Pakistan relationship forged in the terror fight and endangering American troops in the nearly 10-year-old war in Afghanistan.

See also:
Mullen says Pakistani spies are tied to U.S. Embassy raid
Panetta, Mullen hammer Pakistan over Haqqani network
Mullen Accuses Pakistan’s Intel Service of Aiding Attack on Embassy in Kabul
Mullen, Panetta slam Pakistan over attacks
Mullen blames Pakistan intelligence for attack
Mullen Accuses Pakistan Of Exporting Violence To Afghanistan
Mike Mullen: Pakistan is ‘exporting’ terror
Cell phones link Pakistan to U.S. embassy attack
U.S.-Pakistan Ties Plunge to New Low After Mullen’s Testimony
Mullen’s comments about Pakistan are baseless: Mukhtar
Pakistan fires back at Mike Mullen
Pakistan’s Army Head Blasts Mullen Comments as ‘Baseless’
Pakistan army chief denies US claims of complicity with militants, calls charges ‘unfortunate’
Pakistan Outraged Over Admiral Mullen’s Accusations of Terror Link
Pakistan says US risks ‘losing an ally’
Pakistan warns U.S.: “You will lose an ally”
Is Pakistan America’s Ally?

Pakistan can deny, protest, and be outraged by the truth all they want. The evidence is overwhelming that the ISI aids and harbors terrorists that are constantly attacking, wounding, and killing U.S. forces in the region. There’s enough smoking guns to fill a National Guard armory. Need more proof that the ISI cooperates closely with terrorists? Just remember where and under what circumstances Osama bin Laden was found, ’nuff said. Pakistan is threatening to cease being our ally? Well, with allies like Pakistan, who needs enemies?

/by the way, the attack on the U.S. Embassy was a blatant act of war, the road to victory in Afghanistan clearly winds through Pakistan, do we want to win or tuck tail like the Soviets?

Number One, Hopefully With A Bullet

Meet the new boss, hopefully soon to be as same as the old boss, dead.

Egyptian Saif al-Adel now acting leader of al Qaeda, ex-militant says

An Egyptian who was once a Special Forces officer has been chosen “caretaker” leader of al Qaeda in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death, according to a source with detailed knowledge of the group’s inner workings.

Al Qaeda’s interim leader is Saif al-Adel, who has long played a prominent role in the group, according to Noman Benotman. Benotman has known the al Qaeda leadership for more than two decades. He was once a leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a militant organization that used to be aligned with al Qaeda, but in recent years renounced al Qaeda’s ideology.

Benotman told CNN that based on his personal communications with militants and discussions on jihadist forums, al-Adel, also known as Muhamad Ibrahim Makkawi, had been chosen interim chief of al Qaeda because the global jihadist community had grown restive in recent days about the lack of a formal announcement of a successor to bin Laden.

See also:
Al Qaeda picks Egyptian Saif al-Adel as interim leader
Expert: Caretaker leader takes over al-Qaida
Al Qaeda Reportedly Picks Interim Operational Leader
Al-Qaeda’s Alleged New Leader: Who Is Saif al-Adel?
Osama bin Laden killed: Saif al-Adel acting as al-Qaeda’s ‘caretaker leader’
Report: Al Qaeda names Intermin Leader
New temporary al-Qaeda boss appointed – Saif al-Adel
Saif al-Adel named new al-Qaida leader: Report
Former bin Laden Associate Says al-Qaida Has Chosen Interim Leader
Egyptian Saif al-Adel named new al-Qa’ida leader
Report: Egyptian national named ‘interim’ al-Qaida chief
His name means ‘Sword of Justice’ and he opposed 9/11… meet the new Osama Bin Laden
Report: Al Qaeda Picks an Interim President
Saif al-Adel

Obama’s so enamored with his bad old self for killing bin Laden, let’s see if he can really earn his week long victory lap and kill this new al Qaeda freak.

/oh, and by the way, Obama still hasn’t scratched Ayman al-Zawahiri or Anwar al-Awlaki off his terrorist to do list