Another Muslim Traitor In The Ranks Unmasked

He took the oath to defend the United States, but his murderous, Muslim heart belongs to Allah . . . and child pornography.

Soldier suspected of planning Ft. Hood attack

A possible terrorist plot against military personnel at Ft. Hood in Texas was disrupted with the arrest of an Army private who had purchased ammunition and bomb-making materials in preparation for such an attack, law enforcement officials said Thursday.

Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, a 21-year-old Texas native who had successfully argued that he was a conscientious objector whose Muslim faith would not allow him to deploy to Afghanistan, was arrested at a motel Wednesday by Killeen, Texas, police after his purchase of gunpowder at a local gun store aroused employees’ suspicion. Abdo, who had been charged this year with possession of child pornography, had been absent without leave since early July.

Authorities suspect that Abdo, who was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky, was planning to construct bombs and detonate them at a restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel, according to a U.S. official who has been briefed on the case. Abdo intended to gun down survivors after the bombs went off, said the official, who asked not to be named because he is not in law enforcement.

See also:
AWOL soldier suspected in Killeen bomb plot
Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan
AWOL soldier accused of plotting Fort Hood attack
AWOL soldier admits to planning attack on Texas post
Official: Soldier said he wanted to attack Fort Hood troops
Store owner’s tip led to capture of suspect in alleged Fort Hood attack plot
Did an alert retired cop just thwart another Fort Hood massacre?
Officials: Soldier admits planning attack outside Ford Hood
AWOL soldier reportedly in possession of bomb-making materials
Federal bomb-making charges pending against AWOL soldier
Soldier Admits to Ft. Hood Attack Plot
Fort Hood Suspect May be a Violent Muslim Conscientious Objector Pedophile

How many more of these stealth jihadis is it going to take before the government realizes that devout Muslims, whose sole allegiance is to Islam, and the U.s. military don’t mix?

/these jihadis in the military have already killed dozens of their unsuspecting, defenseless, infidel fellow soldiers, only a tip from an alert citizen may have saved the death toll from rising even higher