Another Muslim Traitor In The Ranks Unmasked

He took the oath to defend the United States, but his murderous, Muslim heart belongs to Allah . . . and child pornography.

Soldier suspected of planning Ft. Hood attack

A possible terrorist plot against military personnel at Ft. Hood in Texas was disrupted with the arrest of an Army private who had purchased ammunition and bomb-making materials in preparation for such an attack, law enforcement officials said Thursday.

Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, a 21-year-old Texas native who had successfully argued that he was a conscientious objector whose Muslim faith would not allow him to deploy to Afghanistan, was arrested at a motel Wednesday by Killeen, Texas, police after his purchase of gunpowder at a local gun store aroused employees’ suspicion. Abdo, who had been charged this year with possession of child pornography, had been absent without leave since early July.

Authorities suspect that Abdo, who was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky, was planning to construct bombs and detonate them at a restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel, according to a U.S. official who has been briefed on the case. Abdo intended to gun down survivors after the bombs went off, said the official, who asked not to be named because he is not in law enforcement.

See also:
AWOL soldier suspected in Killeen bomb plot
Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan
AWOL soldier accused of plotting Fort Hood attack
AWOL soldier admits to planning attack on Texas post
Official: Soldier said he wanted to attack Fort Hood troops
Store owner’s tip led to capture of suspect in alleged Fort Hood attack plot
Did an alert retired cop just thwart another Fort Hood massacre?
Officials: Soldier admits planning attack outside Ford Hood
AWOL soldier reportedly in possession of bomb-making materials
Federal bomb-making charges pending against AWOL soldier
Soldier Admits to Ft. Hood Attack Plot
Fort Hood Suspect May be a Violent Muslim Conscientious Objector Pedophile

How many more of these stealth jihadis is it going to take before the government realizes that devout Muslims, whose sole allegiance is to Islam, and the U.s. military don’t mix?

/these jihadis in the military have already killed dozens of their unsuspecting, defenseless, infidel fellow soldiers, only a tip from an alert citizen may have saved the death toll from rising even higher

Naughty, Naughty Hezbollah

A U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon has issued indictments related to the 2005 assasination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. There about a 100% chance these indictments will implicate Hezbollah in the mass murder. There’s only one problem. So far, the indictments are sealed, so the waiting continues.

U.N. concludes probe of Hariri assassination

A U.N. prosecutor Monday submitted a sealed indictment against suspects in the 2005 assassination of a former Lebanese prime minister, concluding an investigation that has cast suspicion on top Syrian leaders and Hezbollah militants and contributed to the collapse this month of Lebanon’s pro-Western government.

Daniel Bellemare, the U.N. tribunal’s Canadian prosecutor, filed the indictment under seal late Monday before the court’s pretrial judge, Daniel Fransen. It could be several weeks before the identities of the suspects are known and about a year before a trial would be held.

The case has roiled Lebanese politics, with anticipation that the prosecutor would name members of Hezbollah in connection with the bombing attack that killed the former prime minister, Rafiq al-Hariri, and 22 others.

Hezbollah has denied involvement. Hasan Nasrallah, head of the Hezbollah movement, has said he would not allow Hezbollah members to be arrested.

See also:
Lebanon Probe Spurs Indictment
UN Prosecutor Files Indictment in Killing of Lebanon’s Ex-Premier Hariri
Hariri tribunal launches legal case, prompting protests in Lebanon
Lebanon tribunal submits indictment in former PM’s assassination
Tribunal prosecutor: Indictment ‘important moment’ for Lebanon
UN court: Lebanon should avoid Hariri case rumors
Lebanon wary as Hariri indictments raise fears of violence
Hezbollah closely monitoring STL developments
Key events leading up to issuance of tribunal indictments
Hezbollah Vows Defense in Inquiry
Factbox: Lebanon tribunal: The world’s first terrorism court

One thing’s for sure, when these indictments are unsealed and Hezbollah is formally implicated in the Rafik Hariri assassination. all hell will break out in Lebanon.

/it’s a distinct probability that Hezbollah will attempt to completely take over the Lebanese government in response to the accusations

When Countries Collide

China and Japan have a long history of animosity toward each other and the recent “boat collision incidents” in disputed waters are only inflaming age old territorial disagreements. Japan’s continuing arrest of the Chinese captain is further escalating this standoff by the day.

Japan-China island tensions rise

The ins and outs of the spat over a Chinese fishing boat captain

Tensions are growing daily over Japan’s arrest of a Chinese fishing boat captain following his ship’s collision with Japan Coast Guard vessels in the East China Sea.

Both countries have openly criticized each other over the incident, and the escalating diplomatic spat has led to public protests, the suspension of ministerial and higher-level exchanges, and the cancellation of a concert by pop group SMAP in Shanghai.

At the heart of the problem are a set of disputed islands in the East China Sea. Japan has administration of the islands, which it calls the Senkaku Islands, but both Beijing and Taiwan claim sovereignty as well, calling them the Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively. Following are basic questions and answers about the dispute:

Why was the Chinese captain arrested?

A JCG patrol vessel came across a Chinese fishing boat in Japanese-claimed territorial waters on the morning of Sept. 7.

After being warned to leave the area, the boat and JCG patrol ship Yonakuni collided. No details have yet been released as to who or what caused the collision. The Yonakuni then ordered the trawler to stop for inspection, which the Chinese captain refused, according to a JCG representative.

Later that morning, another JCG patrol ship, the Mizuki, was chasing the fishing boat to conduct an onboard inspection near Kuba Island when another collision occurred.

The Chinese captain, Zhan Qixiong, 41, was arrested the next day on suspicion of obstructing the public duties of coast guard personnel.

Japanese authorities are also looking into whether the captain engaged in unlawful fishing.

See also:
China-Japan relations sour as fishing boat dispute escalates
Japan-China row escalates over fishing boat collision
China Japan territorial spat over a fishing boat flares
Chinese fishing boat captain’s arrest reasonable
Japan rejects China’s claim over disputed island chain
Japan counsels against ‘extreme nationalism’ in row with China
China Severs Japan Ties Over Sailor Arrest
China’s Wen threatens new action in Japan boat row
China again urges unconditional release of trawler captain illegally held by Japan
Upping the Ante in China-Japan Clash
Hong Kong Activists Fan China-Japan Flames
Anti-Japan Sentiment Gains Strength in China
East China Sea Dispute: Why Japan’s Era of Quiet Power May Be at an End

Remember this? China has a history of physical confrontations at sea over disputed waters, so I’d bet good money that this latest incident was deliberately instigated by the Chinese and therefore I blame them. Japan has every right to fully investigate the Chinese captain until they get this episode sorted out to their satisfaction.

/I seriously doubt that this knock down, drag out diplomatic kerfuffle will ever boil over into a military conflict, but if it does, my money’s on Japan, last time these two countries went at it hammer and tongs, it didn’t go well for China