NATO Makes Libya Safe For . . . Al Qaeda

Hey, way to go Obama, Mission Accomplished!

Al-Qaeda flag flies high on top of Benghazi courthouse

The black flag of al-Qaeda has been put on top of a courthouse in the Libyan city of Benghazi, further raising concerns that the country could turn into a Muslim extremist entity.

“There is no God but Allah” was written in Arabic on the flag raised above the streets of Benghazi, considered the heart of the Libyan revolutionaries who toppled Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.

See also:
Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya’s revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda
Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse
Islamists fly Al Qaeda flag in Libya
Libya: Flying Al Qaeda Flag, Rumored To Be Imposing Shariah Law
Al-Qaida plants its flag — literally — in Libya
Al Qaeda flag atop Benghazi courthouse fuels Libyan Islamisation fears
Libya: Is al-Qaeda the Main Threat in the Aftermath of the Revolution?
Anti-Qaddafi Forces Flew al-Qaeda Flag During Siege of Sirte
What have NATO and Obama wrought in Libya?
Libya’s turmoil, al-Qaida presence ‘no surprise,’ says White House [VIDEO]

How did we ever get from hunting down al Qaeda all over the world to providing them with air support and handing them control of countries?

/I suspect the will not turn out well for the West