Please Let This Be A Really Bad Dream

No, no, no, no, noooooooooooooooooo! Are you [expletive deleted] kidding me, after the Brett Favre fiasco?

Vikings might want to nab McNabb

The Vikings seem to have a strong interest in securing a veteran quarterback once the NFL lockout ends.

It also might be possible the Vikings and Redskins have had some conversations about a deal for 34-year-old quarterback Donovan McNabb, who definitely won’t be a member of his current team once play resumes.

Of course, no deals can be made while the lockout is in progress, but I don’t know if there is any rule against the clubs talking about making a deal.

One reason why McNabb might be the veteran quarterback the team will sign is because Vikings coach Leslie Frazier is personally familiar with McNabb. Frazier was a defensive assistant with the Eagles from 1999 to 2002, when McNabb was in his prime.

See also:
McNabb to Vikings buzz continues
McNabb Loves Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Vikings Love McNabb
Vikings still want McNabb?
NFL Trade Rumors: Latest Buzz Surrounding Donovan McNabb
Charley Walters: Donovan McNabb deal would make sense for Minnesota Vikings this season
On Rumors of McNabb To The Vikings
Shooter Now: Vikings more likely to get McNabb than draft a QB early
Could Donovan McNabb be a match with the Vikings?
NFL Trade Rumors: Is Donovan McNabb the Minnesota Vikings’ One Year Solution?
Donovan McNabb To Be Vikings QB Next Year, Says Minnesota Headline

This is unbelievable, do the Vikings ever want to win a Super Bowl? An ancient Brett Favre couldn’t get us there, what makes anyone in their right mind think a geriatric Donovan McNabb can get it done? He couldn’t win a Super Bowl in Philadelphia, in his prime, and now he’s 34 and all but washed up! Why the [expletive deleted] do we have to keep trading for QB leftovers, why can’t we draft a QB for the future? Why do the Vikings insist on disappointing their fans and breaking their hearts year in and year out?

/is it wrong to root for the NFL lockout to continue?