A Deadbeat, A Slumlord, And A 9/11 Truther, Oh My!

Did the wheels just fall off the Ground Zero mosque wagon?

Sharif El-Gamal, developer of Ground Zero mosque, evicted from SoHo office for racking up back rent

The developer of the Ground Zero mosque is being bounced from his SoHo office, the Daily News has learned.

Sharif El-Gamal, who runs the real estate firm Soho Properties and is heading the project two blocks from Ground Zero, was slapped with eviction proceedings last month after tallying up $39,000 in back rent, a Manhattan Housing Court filing shows.

The management company that runs 552 Broadway, where El-Gamal leases space, said in the filing that he was warned in July and given until mid-August to pay up.

But when the August deadline passed, management company Royal Crospin Corp. filed the eviction notice.

It’s not the first time El-Gamal’s company has fallen behind in rent.

Union City mayor heaps scorn on imam for being ‘slumlord’

Union City Mayor Brian Stack branded the imam proposing to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero one of the worst landlords in Union City at a press conference yesterday, according to today’s Jersey Journal.

The press conference – held in front of 2206 Central Ave., a 16-unit building owned by Feisal Abdul Rauf – comes on the heels of a lawsuit against Rauf the city filed in Hudson County Superior Court on Monday.

“I think we are trying to send a message here, not only to Rauf but also to other slumlords, that in Union City you are not welcomed here,” Stack said.

Associate of NYC Mosque Imam Calls 9/11 Attacks an ‘Inside Job’

A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job” and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.

Faiz Khan — who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque — was for years Rauf’s partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

On MUJCA’s Web site, Khan wrote that “the inescapable fact [is] that 9/11 was an inside job.”

See also:
NY Mosque Developer Getting Boot in Rent Dispute
Islamic Center Developer Evicted from SoHo Office
Mosque Developer Faces Eviction at SoHo Offices, Report Says
Ground Zero mosque developer evicted from SoHo office over non payment of rent
Residents of N.J. building owned by imam in Ground Zero clash have list of complaints
Mosque ‘slumlord’
NJ Mayor Accuses Ground Zero Mosque Imam of Being a “Slumlord”
Imam Rauf Accused of Being a Slumlord by NJ Town
Meet Imam Rauf’s Partner, Faiz Khan, 9/11 Truther
A ‘tipping point’ in the NYC mosque debate?
Imam’s Associate Says WTC Attacks Were “Inside Job”
Rauf on the Ropes

This whole “mosque controversy” is starting to smell like a barrel of rotten fish. Seriously, the Three Stooges here are way out there in the shadows of the fringe, already barely one step ahead of the law themselves. Where the hell are these clowns going to get $100 million to build a 13 story “Islamic community center”? It looks more and more like this this is nothing more than an elaborate scam.

Imam Rauf May Never Have Intended to Build Ground Zero Mosque

The imam of the Ground Zero mosque may never have had any real intention to follow through with building it. Terrorists and radicals can be very smart, calculating people, and it is certainly possible that this was actually a well-orchestrated plan meant to rile up and recruit more radicals willing to undermine America, at very little cost. That may explain why he has not even begun to raise money for this project.

. . .

This entire situation has been created by this imam, by his insisting that a mosque be built so close to Ground Zero. Given his radical statements, his veiled threats of violence and aggression against Americans if the mosque is not built at Ground Zero, and the fact that the imam has raised virtually nothing to pay for the center, it seems that there may never have been any real intention to follow through with its building. The radicals get much more out of the mosque not being built than if it is built. The radicals can now use the fact that many Americans are against building the mosque to recruit more zealots to mount campaigns against America, and even to try to carry out violent attacks.

Now it all makes sense, certainly a lot more sense than this Ground Zero mosque project actually ever being built by these three Islamic losers.

/it’s the Jihad stupid, with a side of jizya payments from the gullible infidels