Fifty Years Ago Today

The war turned cold.

Berlin marks 50th Wall anniversary with minute of silence

Berlin on Saturday marked the 50th anniversary of the day the Berlin Wall started to go up with a memorial service and a minute of silence in memory of those who died trying to flee to the West.

German President Christian Wulff, Chancellor Angela Merkel, who grew up in the East, and Berlin mayor Klaus Wowereit attended a nationally televised commemoration followed by a ecumenical church service at a chapel built where the Wall stood for 28 years.

See also:
Germany marks 50 years since building of the Berlin Wall
Berlin marks 50th Wall anniversary with minute of silence
Berlin Marks 50th Anniversary of ‘The Wall’
Berlin Wall marks 50th anniversary
Berlin Marks 50th Anniversary of ‘The Wall’
Germany marks 50th anniversary of Berlin Wall
Minute of silence for Berlin Wall anniversary
50th anniversary of Berlin Wall remembered in Germany – pictures
Berlin Wall ‘history, but not forgotten’
‘I’m glad I was wrong about the Berlin Wall’
Berlin Wall, 1961-1989, R.I.P
Berlin Wall at 50: Five Iconic Moments
German left provokes row on Berlin Wall anniversary

The Berlin Wall was a human tragedy for almost thirty years, separating families and dividing a country. What were the Communists thinking?

/normally walls are built to keep people out, when you build a wall to keep people in, it’s called a prison