Fifteen Trillion In The Hole And Counting

Everybody knew we were going to have to increase our debt, you can’t solve a problem this big overnight or turn around this much government spending on a dime. However, the inexplicable and incredibly shameful reality is, the Washington criminal enterprise gang that is Congress and Obama still haven’t cut anything yet. In fact, they’re still increasing spending.

Debt Clock Strikes $15 Trillion

With the deadline on the Super Committee looming, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday the U.S. national debt crept over the $15 trillion threshold this week, providing a fresh reminder of the unsustainable amount of borrowing on the government’s bloated balance sheet.

See also:
Federal debt tops $15 trillion
National debt crosses $15 trillion mark
U.S. debt passes $15 trillion milestone… and it just keeps getting worse
National Debt Hits $15 Trillion Mark as Super Committee Flounders
US debt hits £15 trillion as cut-off looms
The $15 Trillion Super Circus
Deficit committee locked in budget stalemate
At $15 trillion in debt
GOP pounces as national debt tops $15 trillion
IN HIS OWN WORDS: Republicans SLAM Obama For Allowing The National Debt To Break $15 Trillion
U.S. National Debt Clock

Th primary obstacle to getting our fiscal house in order is that Democrats flatly refuse to cut anything. They’re bizarre notion of “cutting spending” is to cut the rate of future spending increases. How insane is that? It’s a grim milestone and if Democrats don’t accept the obvious financial reality, and soon, our creditors and the markets will force draconian austerity on all of us. This isn’t Greece, is this Greece?

/vote Republican in 2012, adult swim, get the Democrat children out of the pool