Apocalypse Confirmed?

Believe it or not, the Mayans did.

End of the world speculation after new Mayan discovery

Archaeologists in Mexico have confirmed the discovery of a possible second Mayan reference to the date 2012, offering further ammunition for doom-mongers predicting an apocalypse next year.

Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History acknowledged the reference had been found in a 1,300-year-old inscription made on a carved brick fragment at a ruin at Comalcalco in the south of the country.

Most experts have previously cited only one surviving Mayan reference to the date, on a stone tablet from a nearby site at Tortuguero.

See also:
Mexico adds yet another brick to the 2012 Maya legend
Another Mayan Reference to 2012 Revealed
Mexico archaeologists acknowledge 2nd Mayan reference to 2012
Brace Yourself: The World Could End In 2012
Apocalypse 2012 Back On? Second Mayan Inscription Uncovered
Mexico acknowledges 2nd Mayan reference to 2012
Boffins find new 2012 glyph on ‘secret’ Mayan brick
Mexico Acknowledges a 2nd Mayan Reference to 2012 Date, But Insists Apocalyptic Predictions are Misinterpretations
Mexico Admits To Second Mayan 2012 End-of-World Reference
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Update – The Comalcalco Brick
Experts admit second Mayan prediction of 2012 as end of the world

Could the Mayans have been predicting Obama’s reelection?

/because that certainly would bring about end of the world as we know it

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