Open Wide

Apparently, the Democrats are somehow under the mistaken impression that American citizens are still hungry for even more economy killing bull[expletive deleted] to be crammed down their taxpayer throats.

/Michael Ramirez

Kerry’s Powerless America Act

Regulations: Call it cap-and-trade or bait-and-switch, but John Kerry and Joe Lieberman continue to tilt at windmills with a bill to restrain energy growth in the name of saving the planet.

The bill introduced Wednesday and sponsored by the two senators is called the American Power Act, an Orwellian phrase if ever there was one. Like President Obama’s offshore drilling program, for every “incentive” there is a restriction. It’s as if Hamlet were to be appointed Secretary of Energy.

The legislation has little to do with developing America’s vast domestic energy supply. It’s cap-and-trade meets pork-barrel spending. It’s about regulations, restrictions and research. It does not deal with exploiting America’s vast energy reserves but with finding ways to mitigate their alleged harmful effect.

To that end, the bill creates some 60 new agencies and projects to eat up our tax dollars and buy support (see list alongside).

See also:
Cap And Tax Bureaucracy
Senators Propose Emissions Reductions Bill
Boondoggle giveaway: A glimpse at the new Senate cap-and-trade bill
Senate Climate Bill: Last Chance for Cap and Trade
Climate change bill in a tough spot
Now Launched, the Climate Bill Faces Period of Hard Work
Kerry-Lieberman Bill Bad for Consumers
Joe Lieberman’s sad, doomed American Power Act
Cap and Scam
How To Strangle the Economy

Needless to say, not a single Republican is on board with this job destroying garbage dump. In fact, it’s really hard to find much Democrat support for the bloated, bureaucratic eco-scam either.

/so, Kerry’s Folly is probably dead on arrival for now, however, it’s still best to vote these Democrat nimrods out of majority control of Congress so they can’t resurrect it from the grave