Give It Up For Islam, Or Die

In Iran, and most other Muslim countries, you can freely practice any religion you want without repercussions, as long as it’s Islam.

Iranian Pastor Could Face Death

The former pastor of a network of Christian house churches in Iran has been told to exchange his faith for his life, according to news reports and human rights groups.

“We are dismayed over reports that the Iranian courts are requiring Youcef Nadarkhani to recant his Christian faith or face the death penalty for apostasy,” wrote U.S. Department of State Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in a recent press statement.

Mr. Nadarkhani was arrested in his home city of Rasht on October 13, 2009 while attempting to register his church after protesting compulsory Islamic religious instruction in Iranian public schools. Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a human rights group, reports that he was originally charged with protesting, however, the charges against the 32-year-old convert to Christianity were later changed to apostasy and evangelizing Muslims.

See also:
BREAKING NEWS: Iran’s Supreme Court “Confirms” Pastor’s Death Sentence
Death sentence for Christian convert in Iran
Unofficial Translation of Pastor Youcef Nadakhani’s Verdict
Iranian Man Faces Death over Religious Conversion
Yousef Nadarkhani to Be Executed for Faith
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani’s Death Sentence
Iran: A convert from Islam, Iranian pastor risks the death penalty
U.S. Condemns Iran For Threatening To Execute Pastor
Christian Pastor Facing Execution in Iran
Iran: Supreme Court upholds death sentence for Christian priest

Hey, how about that religion of peace and tolerance? What a sick joke. Can you just imagine the international uproar if courts in Christian countries started sentencing converts to Islam to death?

/evil is as evil does and no religion does evil like Islam, just read the daily news


Where would Jesus shop?

Wal-Mart receipt has image of Jesus, couple says

An engaged couple in Anderson County says a shadowy image that turned up on a receipt from Walmart looks like the face of Jesus.

Jacob Simmons and his fiancee, Gentry Lee Sutherland, said they bought some pictures from Walmart on Sunday, June 12.

The following Wednesday, the couple had just come home from a church service when Simmons spotted the receipt on the floor of Sutherland’s apartment. He says the receipt had changed.

“I was leaving the kitchen and I just looked on the floor, and it was like it was looking at me,” Simmons said.

A dark gray mark on the receipt seems to show two eyes, a nose and a mouth in a thickly bearded face.

“Then the more you look at it, the more it looked like Jesus, and it was just shocking, breathtaking,” Simmons said.

See also:
Upstate couple sees Jesus in Walmart receipt
Jesus image seen on Walmart receipt
Video: Couple see face of Jesus on receipt
South Carolina Couple Claims They Discovered Image of Jesus on Walmart Receipt
Couple says image of Jesus appears in Walmart receipt
Jesus appears on WalMart receipt
Jesus Christ found in Walmart receipt
Jesus Makes a Return… to Wal-Mart?
Jesus appears on Walmart receipt
Either Jesus or the Star of Your Nightmares Appears on Receipt

Ah, the wonders of thermal paper exposed to heat. Okay, it definitely kind of looks like some sort of a person, but claiming it’s Jesus seems to be a bit of a stretch.

/looks more like a crazed jihadi to me