Give It Up For Islam, Or Die

In Iran, and most other Muslim countries, you can freely practice any religion you want without repercussions, as long as it’s Islam.

Iranian Pastor Could Face Death

The former pastor of a network of Christian house churches in Iran has been told to exchange his faith for his life, according to news reports and human rights groups.

“We are dismayed over reports that the Iranian courts are requiring Youcef Nadarkhani to recant his Christian faith or face the death penalty for apostasy,” wrote U.S. Department of State Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in a recent press statement.

Mr. Nadarkhani was arrested in his home city of Rasht on October 13, 2009 while attempting to register his church after protesting compulsory Islamic religious instruction in Iranian public schools. Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a human rights group, reports that he was originally charged with protesting, however, the charges against the 32-year-old convert to Christianity were later changed to apostasy and evangelizing Muslims.

See also:
BREAKING NEWS: Iran’s Supreme Court “Confirms” Pastor’s Death Sentence
Death sentence for Christian convert in Iran
Unofficial Translation of Pastor Youcef Nadakhani’s Verdict
Iranian Man Faces Death over Religious Conversion
Yousef Nadarkhani to Be Executed for Faith
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani’s Death Sentence
Iran: A convert from Islam, Iranian pastor risks the death penalty
U.S. Condemns Iran For Threatening To Execute Pastor
Christian Pastor Facing Execution in Iran
Iran: Supreme Court upholds death sentence for Christian priest

Hey, how about that religion of peace and tolerance? What a sick joke. Can you just imagine the international uproar if courts in Christian countries started sentencing converts to Islam to death?

/evil is as evil does and no religion does evil like Islam, just read the daily news

The Religion Of Pure Evil

Here we go again, back to the 7th century. It’s bad enough that these perpetually angry, ignorant and intolerant Islamic barbarians sentenced a women to death by stoning, for adultery, now they’ve sentenced a woman to death for blasphemy. Just how backward and uncivilized can a religion get?

Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy

A mother of two has become the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death for blasphemy.

Asia Bibi, a field labourer in her thirties, was handed the sentence by a court of sessions in Punjab province on Sunday evening.

She was found guilty of committing blasphemy against her fellow farm workers in the village of Ittanwali during a heated discussion about religion in June last year.

Some of the women workers had reportedly been pressuring Bibi to renounce her Christian faith and accept Islam. During the discussion, Bibi responded by speaking of how Jesus had died on the cross for the sins of mankind and asking the Muslim women what Muhammad had done for them.

The Muslim women took offence and began to beat Bibi and she was locked in a room by some men. According to partners of Release International, a mob reportedly formed and “violently abused” her and her children.

The charity, which supports persecuted Christians, said that blasphemy charges had been brought against Bibi because of pressure from local Muslim leaders.

Release International’s chief executive, Andy Dipper, expressed his shock at Sunday’s ruling.

“Pakistan has crossed a line in passing the death sentence on a woman for blasphemy,” he said.

See also:
Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan ‘for blasphemy’
Sentenced to hang: Pakistan Christian in blasphemy trial
Asia Bibi, Pakistani Christian Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy
Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to Death on accusation of Blasphemy
Pakistan: Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy
Pakistani Christian Woman Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy Charges
Historic Death Sentence For Christian Woman For Blasphemy In Pakistan
Pakistan Sentences Christian to Death for Blasphemy

The absolute intolerance and all consuming hate of these Islamofacists is shameful and sickening. Sentencing a woman to death for blasphemy, in the 21st century, are you kidding? No wonder Pakistan is such a [expletive deleted]hole epicenter of international terrorism. Can you imagine what would would happen if a court in a predominately Christian country sentenced a Muslim woman to death for blasphemy against Christianity? Not like that would ever happen, but Muslims worldwide would seethe and riot like the culturally inferior rabble that they are.

/Religion of Peace my ass!