Hezbollah Takes Lebanon

As previously foreshadowed, another domino falls from the West into the lap of the Islamic Caliphate.

Hezbollah moves to pick Lebanon’s leader

The Shiite armed movement Hezbollah cobbled together enough support Monday to appoint Lebanon’s next prime minister, effectively ending nearly six years of rule by Western-backed leaders and prompting the United States to warn it could cut off aid to this key Arab nation.

The apparent strength of Hezbollah marked an important political achievement for the group. It also signaled what appeared to be a significant shift for the country, away from alliances with the United States and Saudi Arabia, and toward Iran and Syria, which support Hezbollah.

In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said the United States “would have great concerns about a government within which Hezbollah plays a leading role.”

See also:
Anger In Lebanon As Hezbollah Backs Sunni PM
‘Day of rage’ as Mikati set to win PM post
A victory for Hizbollah
A Day of Rage in Lebanon
Hariri and Mikati: Two personal histories collide
Najib Mikati, Lebanon’s new PM
Nasrallah calls on his rivals to give Mikati a chance
Lebanon: Security forces arrest top Hariri aides
Riots in Lebanon as Hezbollah secures leadership
Another Middle East debacle: Lebanon on the brink
Hezbollah’s Relentless Ascent To Power : A View From Jerusalem
Hezbollah-dominated Lebanon would affect U.S. ties
Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon will hit ties: Clinton
Clinton Wary of Hezbollah-Controlled Lebanon
Clinton warns Hezbollah-backed government may alter U.S. ties with Lebanon

So, um, is this going to be allowed to stand? I mean, one of the world’s most notorious and well armed terrorist organizations just took over an entire country that sits on Israel’s border. This is kind of a big deal in Realpolitik, don’t you think? It’s all well and good that Hillary is “concerned” about these rather ominous Middle East developments, but is the United States going to actually do anything about it?

/and not a peep out of Obama so far, an event of this magnitude, so completely adverse to our stated national interests, should at least warrant some kind of a public condemnation, no?

Naughty, Naughty Hezbollah

A U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon has issued indictments related to the 2005 assasination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. There about a 100% chance these indictments will implicate Hezbollah in the mass murder. There’s only one problem. So far, the indictments are sealed, so the waiting continues.

U.N. concludes probe of Hariri assassination

A U.N. prosecutor Monday submitted a sealed indictment against suspects in the 2005 assassination of a former Lebanese prime minister, concluding an investigation that has cast suspicion on top Syrian leaders and Hezbollah militants and contributed to the collapse this month of Lebanon’s pro-Western government.

Daniel Bellemare, the U.N. tribunal’s Canadian prosecutor, filed the indictment under seal late Monday before the court’s pretrial judge, Daniel Fransen. It could be several weeks before the identities of the suspects are known and about a year before a trial would be held.

The case has roiled Lebanese politics, with anticipation that the prosecutor would name members of Hezbollah in connection with the bombing attack that killed the former prime minister, Rafiq al-Hariri, and 22 others.

Hezbollah has denied involvement. Hasan Nasrallah, head of the Hezbollah movement, has said he would not allow Hezbollah members to be arrested.

See also:
Lebanon Probe Spurs Indictment
UN Prosecutor Files Indictment in Killing of Lebanon’s Ex-Premier Hariri
Hariri tribunal launches legal case, prompting protests in Lebanon
Lebanon tribunal submits indictment in former PM’s assassination
Tribunal prosecutor: Indictment ‘important moment’ for Lebanon
UN court: Lebanon should avoid Hariri case rumors
Lebanon wary as Hariri indictments raise fears of violence
Hezbollah closely monitoring STL developments
Key events leading up to issuance of tribunal indictments
Hezbollah Vows Defense in Inquiry
Factbox: Lebanon tribunal: The world’s first terrorism court

One thing’s for sure, when these indictments are unsealed and Hezbollah is formally implicated in the Rafik Hariri assassination. all hell will break out in Lebanon.

/it’s a distinct probability that Hezbollah will attempt to completely take over the Lebanese government in response to the accusations