Finally Fingering The Usual Suspects

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

Intell report says China, Russia stealing US secrets

After years of suspicions and mounting evidence, the United States has formally called out China and Russia on cyber espionage, accusing the countries of stealing U.S. economic and technology secrets. China quickly denied the accusation.

In a report, “Foreign Spies Stealing U.S. Economic Secrets in Cyberspace,” the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive also said U.S. allies have used online methods to help themselves to sensitive information, although the report does not name those countries. 

Read the report:
Foreign Spies Stealing U.S. Economic Secrets in Cyberspace 

See also:
In a world of cybertheft, U.S. names China, Russia as main culprits
Foreign cyber thieves stealing U.S. trade secrets, agency warns
China Singled Out for Cyberspying
US calls out Russia and China over hacking attacks
U.S. finally acknowledges Chinese and Russian cyberthreat
DNI Report on Economic Cyberespionage
US Report Cites Growing Economic Cyber Espionage
Report: Russia and China are top thieves of U.S. technology
Here’s The U.S. Government Report That Openly Calls Out China On Economic Cyberspying
US Official Singles Out China, Russia on Cyber-Spying
China, Russia top offenders in cyber stealing: US
US report blasts China, Russia for cybercrime
China hits back over US claims of online spying
China scorns U.S. cyber espionage charges

Gee, what have I been posting here for years now? It’s not like the massive, out of control Chinese and Russian cyberspying has been some sort of well kept secret. Oh well, I suppose better late than never, at least now the United States government is actually, publicly acknowledging the problem.

/and now I ask again, what are we going to do about the problem, can we please stop being the world’s cyberdoormat and speed bump on the superhighway to stolen intellectual property?

To Ass Bombers And Beyond!

Here comes the al Qaeda Rump Rangers, the Pussy Patrols, and now the Implant Infantry, with explosives in every orifice and more. Coming soon to an airport near you, body cavity searches and even more intrusive screening methods. Enjoy your flight!

Al Qaeda looks at surgical implants to get a bomb past airport security

Al Qaeda operatives in Yemen recently discussed surgically implanting an explosive device under the skin of a suicide bomber to get past airport detectors and blow up a U.S.-bound passenger plane, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

There is no indication of an immediate plot, but the government has warned airlines, stepped up security at U.S. airports and encouraged other countries to adjust security measures.

The focus is mostly on international flights, but domestic passengers are likely to see more bomb-sniffing dogs and an increased use of swabs that test for traces of explosive material on hands and luggage.

See also:
Al Qaeda ‘Belly Bombs’ Entirely Possible, Doctor Says
US warns of new ‘belly bomb’ terror threat
Airport scanners would not catch an implant bomber: Admission as officials announce ‘more passenger interaction’
Al Qaeda plots to implant bombs in fanatics to beat body scanners
US warns airlines of threat of ‘implanted bombs’
Beware new breast implant bomb, feds warn: Terrorists may try to sneak in explosives in implants
Terrorist threat of ‘human bombs’ means tighter airport security
TSA warns of implant bombers, prepares fliers for swab tests
Threat of Human Bombs Could Make Flying Difficulties Even Worse
American airports warned of potential ‘belly bomb’ threat
Qaeda plots body bombs
The new terrorist threat: undetectable, surgically implanted bombs
TSA Warns of Possibility of Surgically Implanted Bombs
TSA warns airlines of explosive implants in people’s bodies
Terrorists may try to surgically implant bombs in their bodies, TSA warns

Putting aside just how effective an explosive detonated inside the body would actually be, it’s a threat and so we have to try and defend against it, and that means al Qaeda has already won just by making the threat. As much as al Qaeda would love to take down a few airliners, their main objective is to cause as much economic damage and societal inconvenience as possible to our Western way of life and this sure ought to do it.

/unless we’re going to start doing some serious profiling in conjunction with comprehensive intelligence, we really have no practical defense against the concept of a “body bomb”, without performing prison style body cavity searches and cranking those x-ray machines up past eleven