Achmed, Tell Them What They’ve Won!

Most radio stations, when they have a contest, give out prizes like cash or concert tickets or maybe even a trip, but no, not the bloodthirsty Muslim jihadis, they bring the concept of radio contest prizes to a whole different level.

Al-Shabab radio gives weapons prize to Somali children

A radio station run by Somalia’s al-Shabab Islamist group has awarded weapons to children who won a Koran-reciting and general knowledge contest.

Andulus radio, based near Mogadishu, gave the group which won first prize in the Ramadan competition an AK-47 rifle and the equivalent of $700 (£450).

The second prize-winners received an AK-47 and $500, while the third prize was two hand grenades and $400.

Al-Shabab, linked to al-Qaeda, controls much of southern and central Somalia.

See also:
SOMALIA: Al-Shabab awards children with weapons and bombs [PHOTOS]
Gun is Grand Prize in Al-Shabab Children’s Contest
Somalia: Militant-run radio station gives kids guns, bombs as prizes in Quran contest
Somali teens earn guns in Quran recitation contest
AK-47 first prize in Somali radio competition for children
Somalia’s Al-Shabab Gives Weapons Prize to Children
Somali kids win weapons in Koran contest
Al-Shabab radio contest awards guns to kids in Somalia
Islamist radio station in Somalia giving guns, bombs to children
Prizes for Kids Koran Recital Contest: AK-47s, Grenades

It worth noting that these weapons “prizes” were awarded to the children for reciting a Muslim religious text, the Koran, during a Muslim religious holiday, Ramadan. There’s nothing like giving deadly weapons to children for demonstrating religious prowess during a religious holiday. What manner of [expletive deleted] up religion condones that?

/nevermind, that was a rhetorical question, once again, Islam proves itself to be the religion of mayhem and mass murder, brainwashing each new generation of children into the bloody cult of violent Jihad as young as possible