Behold Muslims Doing What They Do Best

Another day, more Muslims rampaging and killing innocent people in the name of Islam.

Bombing of Nigerian Beer Garden Kills 25

Suspected Islamic militants threw a bomb into a beer garden in northeastern Nigeria Sunday, killing 25 people and wounding at least 12 others.

Police and witnesses say the attackers drove up to the open-air pub in Maiduguri on motorcycles and tossed a bomb into the crowd of drinkers. Some witnesses say the attackers also fired gunshots into the crowd.

Authorities are blaming Boko Haram, an Islamic fundamentalist group whose name in the Hausa language means “western education is sinful.”

Not to be outdone by the Nigerian Muslims . . .

Muslim Mobs in Egypt Attack Christian Homes, Threaten Priest

Enraged Muslims burned down several Christian-owned homes, surrounded a church and threatened to kill a priest last week in two unrelated incidents in Upper Egypt.

On Saturday (June 25) in Awlad Khalaf village, just outside Sohag, 240 miles (386 kilometers) south of Cairo, local Muslims attacked Coptic Christian Wahib Halim Atteyah, robbed him of 32,000 Saudi Riyals (US$8,530), and bulldozed his home along with the other structures on his property, according to local media. The group then raided six other Coptic-owned homes and burned them to the ground . . .

See also:
Nigeria Boko Haram Islamists ‘bomb Maiduguri drinkers’
Beer garden bomb attack kills 25 in Nigeria
Deadly blast kills 25 in Nigeria
25 killed in Nigerian attacks
Nigerian Islamists open fire on beer garden, kill four
Mob torches Christian homes in Egypt
Report: Egyptian Muslims Torch 8 Christian Homes on Rumor of Church Construction
Christians, Muslims clash over new church in Egypt
Egyptian Muslims torch 8 Christian homes on rumors of church construction
Egypt Christians and Muslims in Violent Clashes Over Church Construction

And this is only a tiny sliver of the worldwide mayhem perpetrated by Muslims, on a daily basis, in the name of Islam. Pick up any paper tomorrow and, like clockwork, there’ll be more.

/just remember, Islam is the Religion of Peace and Tolerance, you know, except for the peace and the tolerance

World Record Jesus

I’m not sure that this should be the object of competition but, apparently, it is.

Christ statue is worlds tallest

A HUGE statue of Jesus Christ — said to be the world’s tallest — has been put up in a small Polish town.

The controversial effigy stands at 33m (108ft), one metre for every year that Jesus lived, according to creator Reverend Sylwester Zawadzki.

With its gold crown, the white landmark is 36m (118ft) tall, and if the mound it stands on is also taken into account, it measures 51m (167ft).

Brazil’s famous Christ the Redeemer statue, the previous record holder, stands at 39.6m (130ft).

Mr Zawadzki, 78, the local priest in Swiebodzin, about 40 miles from the German border, said: “I have never been as happy as I am today.

“This is the culmination of my life’s work as a priest. I felt inspired to fulfil Jesus’ will, and today I give thanks to him for allowing me to fulfil his will.”

Some believe the £1million statue will bring more visitors to the area.

But others say the money would have been better spent elsewhere.

See also:
Giant Jesus statue goes up in Poland
Heavens Above: Giant Jesus Finally Finished
Jesus Christ statue in smalltown Poland bids to rival Rio’s Redeemer
Poland With The Highest Statue Of Christ
Poland set to unveil world’s tallest Jesus statue
World’s tallest statue of Jesus assembled in western Poland
Poland Builds World’s Tallest Jesus
Gigantic statue of Christ erected in Poland
World’s tallest Jesus looms over Poland
Polish town, Swiebodzin, erects world’s largest Jesus Christ statue–bigger than Rio de Janeiro’s
Giant Jesus statue rises above Polish countryside
Giant Jesus statue completed in Polish town
Giant Jesus rises in Poland
In brief: Statue of Jesus rivals Rio’s icon
World’s tallest statue of Jesus Christ erected in Swiebodzin, Poland

That’s certainly a whole lot of big Jesus.

/but is it too much Jesus?