Islam Takes Tunisia

This is the first election held in one of the countries that have undergone “Arab Spring” uprisings. And predictably, probably foreshadowing the outcome in upcoming elections in other “Arab Spring” countries, secularism took a beating and a backseat to the Islamists.

Secular party concedes defeat in landmark Tunisian election

Tunisia’s leading secularist party conceded defeat on Monday after unofficial tallies from the country’s first free election showed a victory for an Islamist party.

The election came 10 months from from the moment street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in a protest that started the Arab Spring uprisings.

More than 90 percent of the 4.1 million registered voters cast ballots, officials said.

See also:
Tunisian Islamist party claims election victory, set to dominate writing of new constitution
Tunisian Islamists to gain huge victory in first elections of the Arab Spring
Tunisia’s Islamists claim election victory
Tunisia’s Islamist party claims election victory
Islamists set for power after strong vote for Muslim parties in Tunisia’s first democratic elections since revolution
Early sign in Tunisia of strong Islamist vote
Tunisia elections: An-Nahda party on course to win
Moderate Islamists lead in early counting of Tunisian votes
Islamists claim win in Tunisia’s Arab Spring vote
Islamist Party Takes Half Of Overseas Seats In Tunisia
Tunisian liberal party dismayed at poor elections show
As Tunisia Counts its Votes, Can the West Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Islamists?

Could these Tunisian elections be the first stepping stone toward a wider, regional Islamic Caliphate?

/stay tuned, Egypt has elections coming up and if the Islamists win there . . .

World Record Jesus

I’m not sure that this should be the object of competition but, apparently, it is.

Christ statue is worlds tallest

A HUGE statue of Jesus Christ — said to be the world’s tallest — has been put up in a small Polish town.

The controversial effigy stands at 33m (108ft), one metre for every year that Jesus lived, according to creator Reverend Sylwester Zawadzki.

With its gold crown, the white landmark is 36m (118ft) tall, and if the mound it stands on is also taken into account, it measures 51m (167ft).

Brazil’s famous Christ the Redeemer statue, the previous record holder, stands at 39.6m (130ft).

Mr Zawadzki, 78, the local priest in Swiebodzin, about 40 miles from the German border, said: “I have never been as happy as I am today.

“This is the culmination of my life’s work as a priest. I felt inspired to fulfil Jesus’ will, and today I give thanks to him for allowing me to fulfil his will.”

Some believe the £1million statue will bring more visitors to the area.

But others say the money would have been better spent elsewhere.

See also:
Giant Jesus statue goes up in Poland
Heavens Above: Giant Jesus Finally Finished
Jesus Christ statue in smalltown Poland bids to rival Rio’s Redeemer
Poland With The Highest Statue Of Christ
Poland set to unveil world’s tallest Jesus statue
World’s tallest statue of Jesus assembled in western Poland
Poland Builds World’s Tallest Jesus
Gigantic statue of Christ erected in Poland
World’s tallest Jesus looms over Poland
Polish town, Swiebodzin, erects world’s largest Jesus Christ statue–bigger than Rio de Janeiro’s
Giant Jesus statue rises above Polish countryside
Giant Jesus statue completed in Polish town
Giant Jesus rises in Poland
In brief: Statue of Jesus rivals Rio’s icon
World’s tallest statue of Jesus Christ erected in Swiebodzin, Poland

That’s certainly a whole lot of big Jesus.

/but is it too much Jesus?